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AionServer-3.9 (AionLightning; 1-Click by Dwarfpicker v2.0) 2015-02-16

AionLightning; 1-Click by Dwarfpicker

  1. Offline

    Егор Ещенко Рядовой

    Как буду дома сразу выложу.
  2. Offline

    Егор Ещенко Рядовой

    нетворк логин

    # This file is part of aion-unique <aion-unique.org>.
    # aion-unique is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    # (at your option) any later version.
    # aion-unique is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    # GNU General Public License for more details.
    # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    # along with aion-unique. If not, see <Please login or register to view links>.
    # ----------------------------
    # Network Config's:
    # ----------------------------

    # LoginServer will listen for connections on specified port
    loginserver.network.client.port = 2106

    # LoginServer will bind specified network interface
    # * - bind all interfaces
    loginserver.network.client.host = *

    # How many times player can try to login before he get's banned for bruteforcing
    loginserver.network.client.logintrybeforeban = 5

    # For what time in minutes player should be banned in case of bruteforcing
    loginserver.network.client.bantimeforbruteforcing = 15

    # Host that will be used by LS to listen for GS connections
    loginserver.network.gameserver.host = *

    # Port that will be used by LS to listen for GS connections
    loginserver.network.gameserver.port = 9014

    # Nuber of additional threads for NIO that will handle only reading
    loginserver.network.nio.threads.read = 0

    # Nuber of additional threads for NIO that will handle only writing
    loginserver.network.nio.threads.write = 0

    # Create accounts automatically or not?
    loginserver.accounts.autocreate = true

    # Set if the server is in maintenance or not / only gm can login
    loginserver.server.maintenance = false

    # Set gm level for maintenance mode(Default 3)
    loginserver.server.maintenance.gmlevel = 3

    # Enable\disable flood protector from 1 ip on account login
    loginserver.server.floodprotector = true
    loginserver.server.bruteforceprotector = true

    # Checking gs if it still alive
    loginserver.server.pingpong = true
    loginserver.server.pingpong.delay = 3000

    # flood manager
    # legal reconnection time. if faster - ban for loginserver.network.client.bantimeforbruteforcing min
    # seconds
    network.fastreconnection.time = 5

    # Ip's excluded from flood protection
    loginserver.excluded.ips =

    нетворк гейм

    # This file is part of aion-unique <aion-unique.org>.
    # aion-unique is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    # (at your option) any later version.
    # aion-unique is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    # GNU General Public License for more details.
    # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    # along with aion-unique. If not, see <Please login or register to view links>.
    # ----------------------------
    # Network Config's:
    # ----------------------------

    # Port that will be used to listen for client connections
    gameserver.network.client.port = 7777

    # Host that will be used to listen for client connections
    gameserver.network.client.host = *

    # Maximum online players on the server
    gameserver.network.client.maxplayers = 100

    # Address of login server
    gameserver.network.login.address = localhost:9014

    # Id of this game server
    gameserver.network.login.gsid = 1

    # Password of this game server
    gameserver.network.login.password = aion

    # Address of chat server
    # Ip and port of chat server should be accessible from
    # 1) game server
    # 2) all connected clients
    gameserver.network.chat.address = localhost:9021

    # Password of this game server for chat server
    gameserver.network.chat.password = aion

    # Number of extra threads dedicated only to read/write network data.
    # Value < 1 means that acceptor thread will also handle read & write.
    # Value > 0 means there will be x dedicated read/write threads + 1 acceptor.
    gameserver.network.nio.threads = 1

    # Number of threads (min) that will be used to execute client packets
    gameserver.network.packet.processor.threads.min = 4

    # Number of threads (max) that will be used to execute client packets
    gameserver.network.packet.processor.threads.max = 4

    # Threshold used to decide when packet processor thread should be killed
    # It have effect only if min threads != max threads
    gameserver.network.packet.processor.threshold.kill = 3

    # Threshold used to decide when extra packet processor thread should be spawned
    # It have effect only if min threads != max threads
    gameserver.network.packet.processor.threshold.spawn = 50

    # This will enable or disable the messages for unknown packets
    gameserver.network.display.unknownpackets = false

    # Enable flood protector
    gameserver.network.flood.connections = false

    # Flood ms in tick
    gameserver.network.flood.tick = 1000

    # Short period
    gameserver.network.flood.short.warn = 10
    gameserver.network.flood.short.reject = 20
    gameserver.network.flood.short.tick = 10

    # Long period
    gameserver.network.flood.long.warn = 30
    gameserver.network.flood.long.reject = 60
    gameserver.network.flood.long.tick = 60
  3. Offline

    Егор Ещенко Рядовой

    id mask password
    1 * aion
  4. Offline

    Alliancer Рядовой

    Со стороны логина настраиваешь ТОЛЬКО database.properties database.url = jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/server_ls - это база.
    # Database user
    database.user = root

    # Database password
    # NOTE: Change this! Root password is not safe!

    database.password = password
    Последние данные очков репутации:
    Егор Ещенко: 1 Очко 17 ноя 2017
  5. Offline

    Alliancer Рядовой

    На стороне ГЕЙМА database.properties и network.properties

    Гейм дата
    # This is database url.
    database.url = jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/server_gs

    # Database user
    database.user = root

    # Database password
    # NOTE: Change this! Root password is not safe!
    database.password = Dwipeohu5

    # Port that will be used to listen for client connections
    gameserver.network.client.port = 7777

    # Host that will be used to listen for client connections
    gameserver.network.client.host = *

    # Maximum online players on the server
    gameserver.network.client.maxplayers = 1000

    # Address of login server
    gameserver.network.login.address =

    # Id of this game server
    gameserver.network.login.gsid = 1

    # Password of this game server
    gameserver.network.login.password = password

    # Address of chat server
    # Ip and port of chat server should be accessible from
    # 1) game server
    # 2) all connected clients
    gameserver.network.chat.address =

    # Password of this game server for chat server
    gameserver.network.chat.password = password
  6. Offline

    Alliancer Рядовой

    Гейм дата
    # This is database url.
    database.url = jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/server_gs это база.

    # Database user
    database.user = root

    # Database password
    # NOTE: Change this! Root password is not safe!
    database.password = password
    А то свой пароль оставил xD
  7. Offline

    Alliancer Рядовой

    Ну а на счет IP это само собой понятно ))
  8. Offline

    Alliancer Рядовой

    Далее, в базе логина mysql пишешь
    1, IP, пароль..
  9. Offline

    Егор Ещенко Рядовой

    ок счас буду пробовать если не сложно будь на связи
  10. Offline

    Alliancer Рядовой



  11. Offline

    Alliancer Рядовой

    Дай тимвивер, сделаю.
  12. Offline

    Егор Ещенко Рядовой

    поставлю тимвивер и напишу
  13. Offline

    Егор Ещенко Рядовой

    Есть ко знает как на этом сервере гм панель вызывается?
  14. Offline

    klubheads Сержант Команда форума Модератор

    Гм панель Shift+f1 с 4+ версий.
    До 4.0 всё командами.
  15. Offline

    Егор Ещенко Рядовой

    проблемка, логин запустился гейм выдал ошибку
    - ..................................................
    22:02:17.870 INFO [main]: - +----
    22:02:17.870 INFO [main]: - | Global Memory Informations at 22:02:17:
    22:02:17.884 INFO [main]: - | |
    22:02:17.884 INFO [main]: - | Allowed Memory: 3728384 KB
    22:02:17.884 INFO [main]: - | |= Allocated Memory: 1778176 KB (47,6929%)
    22:02:17.884 INFO [main]: - | |= Non-Allocated Memory: 1950208 KB (52,3071%)
    22:02:17.884 INFO [main]: - | Allocated Memory: 1778176 KB
    22:02:17.884 INFO [main]: - | |= Used Memory: 992322 KB (26,6153%)
    22:02:17.884 INFO [main]: - | |= Unused (cached) Memory: 785854 KB (21,0776%)
    22:02:17.884 INFO [main]: - | Useable Memory: 2736062 KB (73,3847%)
    22:02:17.884 INFO [main]: - +----
    ===============================[ GameServerLog ]===============================
    22:02:17.884 INFO [main]: - AL Game Server started in 168 seconds.
    ==============================[ Starting Network ]==============================
    22:02:18.178 INFO [main]: - Server listening on all available IPs on Port 7777 for Game Connections
    22:02:18.178 INFO [main]: - Connecting to LoginServer: /
    22:02:18.209 INFO [main]: - Connected to LoginServer!
    22:02:18.209 INFO [main]: - Connecting to ChatServer: /
    22:02:18.225 ERROR[InstantPool-2]: - GameServer is not authenticated at LoginServer side, shutting down!
    22:02:18.225 WARN [pool-5-thread-1]: - Connection with LoginServer lost...

    Game Server has terminated abnormaly!

    Для продолжения нажмите любую клавишу . . .
    где косяк не подскажите?
  16. Offline

    klubheads Сержант Команда форума Модератор

    Please login or register to view links, конфиги нужно твои смотреть(проблема там).
    Можешь даже в личку скинуть, если не хочешь тут светить.
    --- Double Post Merged, 16 ноя 2017, Original Post Date: 16 ноя 2017 ---
    Please login or register to view links, тут не правильно, Там либо должно быть, либо *(звёздочка)

    Please login or register to view links, если так сделал, убери свой ip , поставь * или
    Последнее редактирование: 16 ноя 2017
  17. Offline

    Егор Ещенко Рядовой

    не помогло((
    Starting Aion Lightning Game Server in mode.
    Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 8998
    23:11:45.118 INFO [main]: - JavaAgent [Callback Support] is configured.
    23:11:45.274 INFO [main]: - Using default implementation for ThreadExecutor
    23:11:45.386 INFO [main]: - Initialized Scheduler Signaller of type: class org.quartz.core.SchedulerSignalerImpl
    23:11:45.386 INFO [main]: - Quartz Scheduler v.2.1.7 created.
    23:11:45.399 INFO [main]: - RAMJobStore initialized.
    23:11:45.420 INFO [main]: - Scheduler meta-data: Quartz Scheduler (v2.1.7) 'QuartzScheduler' with instanceId 'NON_CLUSTERED'
    Scheduler class: 'org.quartz.core.QuartzScheduler' - running locally.
    Currently in standby mode.
    Number of jobs executed: 0
    Using thread pool 'org.quartz.simpl.SimpleThreadPool' - with 1 threads.
    Using job-store 'org.quartz.simpl.RAMJobStore' - which does not support persistence. and is not clustered.

    23:11:45.420 INFO [main]: - Quartz scheduler 'QuartzScheduler' initialized from an externally provided properties instance.
    23:11:45.420 INFO [main]: - Quartz scheduler version: 2.1.7
    23:11:45.420 INFO [main]: - Scheduler QuartzScheduler_$_NON_CLUSTERED started.
    23:11:45.431 INFO [main]: - Loading: mygs.properties
    23:11:45.431 INFO [main]: - No override properties found
    ===============================[ Administration ]===============================
    23:11:45.577 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/administration/admin.properties
    23:11:45.577 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/administration/developer.properties
    ====================================[ Main ]====================================
    23:11:45.868 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/ai.properties
    23:11:45.868 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/autogroup.properties
    23:11:45.884 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/commons.properties
    23:11:45.884 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/cache.properties
    23:11:45.884 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/cleaning.properties
    23:11:45.884 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/craft.properties
    23:11:45.899 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/custom.properties
    23:11:45.915 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/drop.properties
    23:11:45.915 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/enchants.properties
    23:11:45.915 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/events.properties
    23:11:45.915 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/falldamage.properties
    23:11:45.933 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/gameserver.properties
    23:11:45.965 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/geodata.properties
    23:11:45.965 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/group.properties
    23:11:45.965 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/housing.properties
    23:11:45.965 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/html.properties
    23:11:45.978 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/ingameshop.properties
    23:11:45.996 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/legion.properties
    23:11:45.996 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/logging.properties
    23:11:46.009 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/membership.properties
    23:11:46.009 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/name.properties
    23:11:46.009 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/periodicsave.properties
    23:11:46.009 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/playertransfer.properties
    23:11:46.025 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/prices.properties
    23:11:46.040 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/punishment.properties
    23:11:46.040 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/ranking.properties
    23:11:46.056 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/rates.properties
    23:11:46.056 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/security.properties
    23:11:46.071 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/shutdown.properties
    23:11:46.071 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/siege.properties
    23:11:46.071 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/thread.properties
    23:11:46.095 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/weddings.properties
    23:11:46.118 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/world.properties
    ==================================[ Network ]==================================
    23:11:46.167 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/network/database.properties
    23:11:46.196 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/network/network.properties
    ==================================[ DataBase ]==================================
    23:11:47.065 INFO [main]: - Successfully connected to database
    23:11:55.452 INFO [main]: - Loaded 50 DAO implementations.
    ==================================[ Threads ]==================================
    23:11:55.499 INFO [main]: - ThreadPoolManager: Initialized with 12 scheduler, 3 instant, 0 long running, and forking 0 thread(s).
    ================================[ Static Data ]================================
    23:12:40.562 INFO [main]: - missing effectype for ESCAPE
    23:12:42.278 INFO [main]: - MotionLoggingService started.
    23:13:44.016 INFO [main]: - Loaded world maps data: 117 maps
    23:13:44.073 INFO [main]: - Loaded 30 material ids
    23:13:44.073 INFO [main]: - Loaded weather for 23 maps
    23:13:44.105 INFO [main]: - Loaded player exp table: 61 levels
    23:13:44.105 INFO [main]: - Loaded 464 player stat templates
    23:13:44.135 INFO [main]: - Loaded 351 summon stat templates
    23:13:44.166 INFO [main]: - Loaded 1 item cleanup entries
    23:13:44.166 INFO [main]: - Loaded 71283 item templates
    23:13:44.186 INFO [main]: - Loaded 77 item bonus templates
    23:13:44.186 INFO [main]: - Loaded 4765 bonus item group templates and 785 pet food items
    23:13:44.213 INFO [main]: - Loaded 37455 npc templates
    23:13:44.213 INFO [main]: - Loaded 12 system mail templates
    23:13:44.213 INFO [main]: - Loaded 3133 npc shout templates
    23:13:44.213 INFO [main]: - Loaded 160 pet templates 30 food flavours
    23:13:44.213 INFO [main]: - Loaded 31 pet doping templates
    23:13:44.213 INFO [main]: - Loaded 4 initial player templates
    23:13:44.213 INFO [main]: - Loaded 1063 trade lists
    23:13:44.213 INFO [main]: - Loaded 234 npc teleporter templates
    23:13:44.213 INFO [main]: - Loaded 198 teleport locations
    23:13:44.213 INFO [main]: - Loaded 8774 skill templates
    23:13:44.213 INFO [main]: - Loaded 132 motion times
    23:13:44.213 INFO [main]: - Loaded 8589 skill learn entries
    23:13:44.213 INFO [main]: - Loaded 7 cube expand entries
    23:13:44.213 INFO [main]: - Loaded 101 warehouse expand entries
    23:13:44.213 INFO [main]: - Loaded 91 bind point entries
    23:13:44.260 INFO [main]: - Loaded 5937 quest data entries
    23:13:44.260 INFO [main]: - Loaded 663 gatherable entries
    23:13:44.307 INFO [main]: - Loaded 255 title entries
    23:13:44.322 INFO [main]: - Loaded 6028 walker routes
    23:13:44.322 INFO [main]: - Loaded 3267 zone entries
    23:13:44.322 INFO [main]: - Loaded 1862 goodslist entries
    23:13:44.322 INFO [main]: - Loaded 424 tribe relation entries
    23:13:44.322 INFO [main]: - Loaded 9409 recipe entries
    23:13:44.322 INFO [main]: - Loaded 105 chest locations
    23:13:44.354 INFO [main]: - Loaded 44 static door locations
    23:13:44.354 INFO [main]: - Loaded 306 item set entries
    23:13:44.354 INFO [main]: - Loaded 14 npc factions
    23:13:44.354 INFO [main]: - Loaded 10158 npc skill list entries
    23:13:44.354 INFO [main]: - Loaded 20 pet skill list entries
    23:13:44.354 INFO [main]: - Loaded 69 siege location entries
    23:13:44.354 INFO [main]: - Loaded 2 vortex entries
    23:13:44.354 INFO [main]: - Loaded 36 rift entries
    23:13:44.354 INFO [main]: - Loaded 70 fly ring entries
    23:13:44.354 INFO [main]: - Loaded 9 shield entries
    23:13:44.354 INFO [main]: - Loaded 160 pet entries
    23:13:44.354 INFO [main]: - Loaded 80 guide entries
    23:13:44.354 INFO [main]: - Loaded 10 road entries
    23:13:44.354 INFO [main]: - Loaded 83 instance cooltime entries
    23:13:44.354 INFO [main]: - Loaded 1927 decomposable items entries
    23:13:44.354 INFO [main]: - Loaded 59 ai templates
    23:13:44.354 INFO [main]: - Loaded 240 flypath templates
    23:13:44.354 INFO [main]: - Loaded 8 windstream entries
    23:13:44.354 INFO [main]: - Loaded 20 assembled npcs entries
    23:13:44.354 INFO [main]: - Loaded 366 cosmetic items entries
    23:13:44.354 INFO [main]: - Loaded 16961 npc drop entries
    23:13:44.354 INFO [main]: - Loaded 40 auto group entries
    23:13:44.354 INFO [main]: - Loaded 100 spawn maps entries
    23:13:44.354 INFO [main]: - Loaded 0 active events
    23:13:44.354 INFO [main]: - Loaded 20 skill panel entries
    23:13:44.354 INFO [main]: - Loaded 9 instance Buffs entries
    23:13:44.354 INFO [main]: - Loaded 1420 housing object entries
    23:13:44.354 INFO [main]: - Loaded 40 ride info entries
    23:13:44.354 INFO [main]: - Loaded 102 instance exit entries
    23:13:44.354 INFO [main]: - Loaded 288 portal loc entries
    23:13:44.354 INFO [main]: - Loaded 353 portal templates2 entries
    23:13:44.354 INFO [main]: - Loaded 20 housing lands
    23:13:44.354 INFO [main]: - Loaded 9 house building styles
    23:13:44.354 INFO [main]: - Loaded 265 house parts
    23:13:44.354 INFO [main]: - Loaded 3096 house spawns
    23:13:44.354 INFO [main]: - Loaded 19 house default scripts
    23:13:44.354 INFO [main]: - Loaded 10 curing Objects entries
    23:13:44.354 INFO [main]: - Loaded 30 assembly items entries
    23:13:44.354 INFO [main]: - Loaded 120 challenge tasks entries
    23:13:44.385 INFO [main]: - Loaded 2951 town spawns
    23:13:44.592 INFO [main]: - ##### [Static Data loaded in: 109 seconds] #####
    =================================[ IDFactory ]=================================
    23:13:45.651 INFO [main]: - IDFactory: 74 id's used.
    ====================================[ Zone ]====================================
    23:13:45.666 INFO [main]: - Zone engine load started
    23:13:46.666 INFO [main]: - Loaded 5 zone handlers.
    ==================================[ Geodata ]==================================
    23:13:46.682 INFO [main]: - Configured Geo type: NO_GEO
    ===================================[ World ]===================================
    23:13:53.552 INFO [main]: - World: 117 worlds map created.
    ===================================[ Drops ]===================================
    23:13:53.818 INFO [InstantPool-2]: - Instance engine load started
    23:13:53.818 INFO [InstantPool-1]: - AI2 engine load started
    23:13:53.818 INFO [InstantPool-3]: - Quest engine load started
    23:14:00.521 INFO [InstantPool-2]: - Loaded 50 instance handlers.
    23:14:00.573 WARN [InstantPool-2]: - class com.aionemu.gameserver.GameServer$2 - execution time: 6706msec
    23:14:12.942 INFO [InstantPool-1]: - Loaded 308 ai handlers.
    23:14:13.266 WARN [InstantPool-1]: - class com.aionemu.gameserver.GameServer$2 - execution time: 19387msec
    23:14:15.335 INFO [InstantPool-3]: - Loaded 5033 quest handlers.
    23:14:15.352 WARN [InstantPool-3]: - class com.aionemu.gameserver.GameServer$2 - execution time: 21471msec
    23:14:19.288 INFO [InstantPool-1]: - Loaded 0 announcements
    23:14:19.306 WARN [InstantPool-1]: - class com.aionemu.gameserver.utils.chathandlers.ChatProcessor$1 - execution time: 6025msec
    23:14:20.671 WARN [InstantPool-3]: - class com.aionemu.gameserver.utils.chathandlers.ChatProcessor$1 - execution time: 5326msec
    ===============================[ Location Data ]===============================
    23:14:21.341 WARN [InstantPool-2]: - class com.aionemu.gameserver.GameServer$2 - execution time: 20694msec
    23:14:21.361 INFO [main]: - Initializing sieges...
    ===================================[ Spawns ]===================================
    23:14:21.870 INFO [main]: - Spawned 110010000 [1] : 337
    23:14:21.870 INFO [main]: - Loading housing data...
    23:14:21.917 INFO [main]: - Housing Service loaded.
    23:14:21.917 INFO [main]: - Spawned 110020000 [1] : 28
    23:14:21.933 INFO [main]: - Spawned 110070000 [1] : 50
    23:14:22.010 INFO [main]: - Spawned 120010000 [1] : 372
    23:14:22.010 INFO [main]: - Spawned 120020000 [1] : 26
    23:14:22.046 INFO [main]: - Spawned 120080000 [1] : 50
    23:14:22.387 INFO [main]: - Spawned 210010000 [1] : 1133
    23:14:23.256 INFO [main]: - Spawned 210020000 [1] : 6614
    23:14:23.521 INFO [main]: - Spawned 210030000 [1] : 2714
    23:14:24.084 INFO [main]: - Spawned 210040000 [1] : 8469
    23:14:24.227 INFO [main]: - Spawned houses 210040000 [1] : 9
    23:14:25.037 WARN [main]: - Incorrect pool for route: A3D76C7B0482C218FF628BB803A1CE8D7CA6E54B
    23:14:25.037 WARN [main]: - Invalid row sizes for walk cluster A3D76C7B0482C218FF628BB803A1CE8D7CA6E54B
    23:14:25.063 INFO [main]: - Spawned 210050000 [1] : 8332
    23:14:25.172 INFO [pool-3-thread-9]: - PacketBroadcaster: Initialized.
    23:14:25.287 INFO [main]: - Spawned houses 210050000 [1] : 6
    23:14:26.520 INFO [main]: - Spawned 210060000 [1] : 7862
    23:14:26.653 INFO [main]: - Spawned 220010000 [1] : 1484
    23:14:26.964 INFO [main]: - Spawned 220020000 [1] : 7688
    23:14:27.123 INFO [main]: - Spawned 220030000 [1] : 3292
    23:14:27.386 INFO [main]: - Spawned 220040000 [1] : 8423
    23:14:27.401 INFO [main]: - Spawned houses 220040000 [1] : 9
    23:14:27.604 INFO [main]: - Spawned 220050000 [1] : 8673
    23:14:27.900 INFO [main]: - Spawned 220070000 [1] : 8112
    23:14:27.946 INFO [main]: - Spawned houses 220070000 [1] : 6
    23:14:27.946 INFO [main]: - Spawned 300010000 [1] : 0
    23:14:27.946 INFO [main]: - Spawned 300020000 [1] : 0
    23:14:27.962 INFO [main]: - Spawned 300290000 [1] : 0
    23:14:27.962 INFO [main]: - Spawned 320060000 [1] : 0
    23:14:28.383 INFO [main]: - Spawned 400010000 [1] : 10221
    23:14:28.383 INFO [main]: - Spawned 510010000 [1] : 0
    23:14:28.383 INFO [main]: - Spawned 520010000 [1] : 0
    23:14:28.399 INFO [main]: - Spawned 600010000 [1] : 394
    23:14:28.445 INFO [main]: - Spawned static doors: 600020000 [1] : 3
    23:14:28.757 INFO [main]: - Spawned 600020000 [1] : 5589
    23:14:28.788 INFO [main]: - Spawned static doors: 600030000 [1] : 1
    23:14:29.007 INFO [main]: - MoveTaskManager: Initialized.
    23:14:29.459 INFO [main]: - Spawned 600030000 [1] : 7583
    23:14:29.474 INFO [main]: - Spawned 600040000 [1] : 749
    23:14:29.583 INFO [main]: - Spawned 700010000 [1] : 1721
    23:14:30.332 INFO [main]: - Spawned houses 700010000 [1] : 500
    23:14:30.332 INFO [main]: - Spawned 700020000 [1] : 0
    23:14:30.379 INFO [main]: - Spawned 710010000 [1] : 1506
    23:14:31.034 INFO [main]: - Spawned houses 710010000 [1] : 500
    23:14:31.034 INFO [main]: - Spawned 710020000 [1] : 0
    23:14:31.034 INFO [main]: - Spawned 900020000 [1] : 0
    23:14:31.034 INFO [main]: - Spawned 900030000 [1] : 0
    23:14:31.034 INFO [main]: - Spawned 900100000 [1] : 0
    23:14:31.034 INFO [main]: - Spawned 900110000 [1] : 0
    23:14:31.049 INFO [main]: - Spawned 900120000 [1] : 0
    23:14:31.112 INFO [main]: - Loaded 79679 npc spawns
    23:14:31.112 INFO [main]: - Loaded 18300 gatherable spawns
    ===================================[ Limits ]===================================
    23:14:32.080 INFO [main]: - Scheduled Limited Items based on cron expression size: 81
    =======================[ Siege Schedule initialization ]=======================
    =======================[ Serial Killers initialization ]=======================
    ========================[ Dispute Lands initialization ]========================
    ================================[ TaskManagers ]================================
    23:14:32.687 INFO [main]: - GameTimeService started. Update interval:180000
    23:14:32.687 INFO [main]: - DebugService started. Analyze iterval: 1800000
    23:14:32.703 INFO [main]: - Loading broker...
    23:14:32.720 INFO [main]: - Broker loaded with 0 broker items, 0 settled items.
    23:14:32.720 INFO [main]: - BrokerPeriodicTaskManager: Initialized.
    23:14:32.734 INFO [main]: - ExchangePeriodicTaskManager: Initialized.
    23:14:32.749 INFO [main]: - Loading PetitionService ...
    23:14:32.765 INFO [main]: - Successfully loaded 0 database petitions
    23:14:32.796 INFO [main]: - spawned Curing Zones
    23:14:32.827 INFO [main]: - Cache
    : Caching started... OK.
    23:14:32.827 INFO [main]: - Cache[HTML]: Using cache file... OK.
    23:14:32.827 INFO [main]: - Cache[HTML]: 8,652 kilobytes on 7 file(s) loaded.
    23:14:32.843 INFO [main]: - Cache[HTML]: Compaction skipped!
    23:14:32.843 INFO [main]: - AbyssRankUpdateService: executing rank update
    23:14:32.936 INFO [main]: - Updating abyss ranking cache
    23:14:32.952 INFO [main]: - Legion ranking update task started
    23:14:32.952 INFO [main]: - Legion ranking update: 0 ms, legions: 0
    23:14:32.952 INFO [main]: - AbyssRankUpdateService: execution time: 0
    23:14:32.952 INFO [main]: - Starting ranking update task based on cron expression: 0 0 0 * * ?
    23:14:32.968 INFO [main]: - Loaded 0 task from the database
    ==================================[ Dredgion ]==================================
    23:14:32.984 INFO [main]: - Scheduled Dredgion: based on cron expression: 0 0 0,12,20 ? * * Duration: 120 in minutes
    23:14:32.999 INFO [main]: - PlayerTransferService loaded. With 0 restricted skills.
    23:14:32.999 INFO [main]: - Loading house bids...
    эю  16, 2017 11:14:33 PM java.util.logging.LogManager$RootLogger log
    WARNING: Unevenly distributed hash code - Degraded Performance
    23:14:33.032 INFO [main]: - HousingBidService: auction auto filling enabled.
    23:14:33.125 INFO [main]: - HousingBidService: added 0 new house bids.
    23:14:33.139 INFO [main]: - HousingBidService loaded. Minutes till start: 3650
    23:14:33.139 INFO [main]: - Initializing House maintenance task...
    23:14:33.186 INFO [main]: - Loaded 25 elyos towns.
    23:14:33.202 INFO [main]: - Loaded 25 asmodians towns.
    23:14:33.217 INFO [main]: - ChallengeTaskService initialized.
    ===================================[ System ]===================================
    23:14:33.265 INFO [main]: - Commons Revision: undefined
    23:14:33.265 INFO [main]: - Commons Build Date: [ 20130522-1418 ]
    23:14:33.265 INFO [main]: - GS Revision: ${revision}
    23:14:33.265 INFO [main]: - GS Branch: Unknown Branch
    23:14:33.265 INFO [main]: - GS Branch Commit Date: Unknown CommitTime
    23:14:33.265 INFO [main]: - GS Build Date: [ 2013-09-02-18:53 ]
    23:14:33.265 INFO [main]: - ..................................................
    23:14:33.283 INFO [main]: - ..................................................
    23:14:42.170 INFO [main]: - OS: Windows Server 2012 R2 Build: 6.3
    23:14:42.170 INFO [main]: - OS Arch: amd64
    23:14:42.170 INFO [main]: - ..................................................
    23:14:42.170 INFO [main]: - ..................................................
    23:14:42.232 INFO [main]: - Available CPU(s): 3
    23:14:42.232 INFO [main]: - Processor(s) Identifier: Intel64 Family 6 Model 79 Stepping 1, GenuineIntel
    23:14:42.232 INFO [main]: - ..................................................
    23:14:42.232 INFO [main]: - ..................................................
    23:14:42.232 INFO [main]: - Java Platform Information
    23:14:42.232 INFO [main]: - Java Runtime  Name: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment
    23:14:42.232 INFO [main]: - Java Version: 1.7.0_60
    23:14:42.232 INFO [main]: - Java Class Version: 51.0
    23:14:42.232 INFO [main]: - ..................................................
    23:14:42.232 INFO [main]: - ..................................................
    23:14:42.232 INFO [main]: - Virtual Machine Information (JVM)
    23:14:42.232 INFO [main]: - JVM Name: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
    23:14:42.232 INFO [main]: - JVM installation directory: C:\Program Files\Java\jre7
    23:14:42.248 INFO [main]: - JVM version: 24.60-b09
    23:14:42.248 INFO [main]: - JVM Vendor: Oracle Corporation
    23:14:42.248 INFO [main]: - JVM Info: mixed mode
    23:14:42.248 INFO [main]: - ..................................................
    23:14:42.248 INFO [main]: - ..................................................
    23:14:42.264 INFO [main]: - +----
    23:14:42.264 INFO [main]: - | Global Memory Informations at 23:14:42:
    23:14:42.264 INFO [main]: - |	|
    23:14:42.264 INFO [main]: - | Allowed Memory: 3728384 KB
    23:14:42.264 INFO [main]: - |	|= Allocated Memory: 2056192 KB (55,1497%)
    23:14:42.264 INFO [main]: - |	|= Non-Allocated Memory: 1672192 KB (44,8503%)
    23:14:42.264 INFO [main]: - | Allocated Memory: 2056192 KB
    23:14:42.264 INFO [main]: - |	|= Used Memory: 998826 KB (26,7898%)
    23:14:42.264 INFO [main]: - |	|= Unused (cached) Memory: 1057366 KB (28,3599%)
    23:14:42.264 INFO [main]: - | Useable Memory: 2729558 KB (73,2102%)
    23:14:42.264 INFO [main]: - +----
    ===============================[ GameServerLog ]===============================
    23:14:42.264 INFO [main]: - AL Game Server started in 178 seconds.
    ==============================[ Starting Network ]==============================
    23:14:42.451 INFO [main]: - Server listening on all available IPs on Port 7777 for Game Connections
    23:14:42.451 INFO [main]: - Connecting to LoginServer: localhost/
    23:14:42.467 INFO [main]: - Connected to LoginServer!
    23:14:42.467 INFO [main]: - Connecting to ChatServer: localhost/
    23:14:42.498 INFO [main]: - Connected to ChatServer!
    23:14:42.529 ERROR[InstantPool-3]: - GameServer is not authenticated at LoginServer side, shutting down!
    23:14:42.529 WARN [pool-5-thread-1]: - Connection with LoginServer lost...
    23:14:42.545 INFO [InstantPool-1]: - GameServer authed successfully IP : Port: 10241
    23:14:42.576 INFO [Thread-12]: - Runtime is shutting down now ...
    23:14:42.576 INFO [Thread-12]: - GameServer disconnected from the Login Server...
    23:14:42.576 INFO [Thread-12]: - All players are disconnected...
    23:14:42.591 INFO [Thread-12]: - Starting data save on shutdown.
    23:14:42.591 INFO [Thread-12]: - Legion WH update task started.
    23:14:42.591 INFO [Thread-12]: - Legion WH update: 0 ms, legions: 0.
    23:14:42.591 INFO [Thread-12]: - Data successfully saved.
    23:14:42.591 INFO [Thread-12]: - Game time saved...
    23:14:42.591 INFO [Thread-12]: - Scheduler QuartzScheduler_$_NON_CLUSTERED shutting down.
    23:14:42.591 INFO [Thread-12]: - Scheduler QuartzScheduler_$_NON_CLUSTERED paused.
    23:14:42.607 INFO [Thread-12]: - Scheduler QuartzScheduler_$_NON_CLUSTERED shutdown complete.
    23:14:42.622 INFO [Thread-12]: - ThreadPoolManager: Shutting down.
    23:14:42.622 INFO [Thread-12]: -		... executing 1944 scheduled tasks.
    23:14:42.622 INFO [Thread-12]: -		... executing 1 instant tasks.
    23:14:42.622 INFO [Thread-12]: -		... executing 0 long running tasks.
    23:14:42.622 INFO [Thread-12]: -		... 0 forking tasks left.
    23:14:47.583 INFO [pool-3-thread-5]: - Connecting to LoginServer: localhost/
    23:14:47.583 INFO [pool-3-thread-5]: - Connected to LoginServer!
    23:14:47.583 WARN [pool-5-thread-1]: - Connection with LoginServer lost...
    23:14:57.652 INFO [Thread-12]: -		... success: false in 15030 msec.
    23:14:57.652 INFO [Thread-12]: -		... 0 scheduled tasks left.
    23:14:57.652 INFO [Thread-12]: -		... 1 instant tasks left.
    23:14:57.652 INFO [Thread-12]: -		... 0 long running tasks left.
    23:14:57.652 INFO [Thread-12]: -		... 0 forking tasks left.
    Game Server is terminated!
    Для продолжения нажмите любую клавишу . . .
  18. Offline

    klubheads Сержант Команда форума Модератор

    А ты кэш удалил перед запуском?)
    И логин нужно обязательно перезапустить(выключить и включить по новой)
  19. Offline

    Alliancer Рядовой

    klubheads, у меня нормально все работает, я ему все сделал через тимвивер еще неделю назад, что сейчас у него не так, я понятия не имею.
    klubheads нравится это.
  20. Offline

    klubheads Сержант Команда форума Модератор

    Ну может он всё снес, решил урок зафиксировать.;)
    А вообще молодец что помогаешь.
    Только в db никогда не ставь свой ip. Судя по его ошибке именно из за этого так.