Aion Core AionServer- NA Rev: 762 release Update: 15.07.2015 AC-Game - Rev.762 GeoData - Rev.19 AC-Login - Rev.22 AC-Chat - Rev.19 Спойлер: Highlight Highlight: Added 1 vs 1 System.+ Added TradeKill Detector in FFA Instance (Requires "GM (Audit Logger)" to be Enable to view the TradeKill Messages) Features in 1vs1: @Command # Use Player command .1v1 to register to 1vs1 Queue. # You can re-type .1v1 while registered to Unregister from the Queue. @Queue # The Teleport calls are in Every 1min, It Checks if there are 2 Players Minimum Registered, if there is , Then those two will be ported to the given Map for 1vs1, if there are more, then they will be calculated and divided each of em by 2 and sends 2 by 2.. o.o # The 1 vs 1 Announce Message (i.e "You can register to 1vs1 by typing .1v1" ) will pop in every 15min. @In 1vs1 # The Normal 1vs1 Type, There will be 3 Rounds, Each round ends when one is dead, The most kills in 3 round wins the match. # If a target disconnects then , The other will be frozen for 5sec, and will be ported out , "No reward will be given". # There is 5min for each round, If the time limit exceeds , The round is declared as a Tie! @Rewards # You will get amount of Gp/AP/Toll/Item , which can be set in with the quantity # The Item Reward is not 100% , There is a chance that you will get it or not, but the GP/AP/TOLL is permanent, Even if you lose or Win, you will get amount of these. # If the round goes TIE, and no one won, Then both will get the LOSE Reward , But No ITEM reward. Please login or register to view links Внимание!!! Данная версия ограниченна (как и все) для разблокировки некоторых функций необходим лицензионный ключ. Подробности читаем Please login or register to view links.
Добавлен No-IP без ограничений для айона. Оба файла работают на Айон 4.7.5.X и 4.8.х --- Double Post Merged, 29 июл 2015, Original Post Date: 19 июл 2015 --- Коры не могут определиться, пишут, что эта версия Release потом Ultimate. Оставлю пока Release, посмотрим, как будет дальше.
CPU Load Hotfix Rev.768U There was really a bad build configuration, that was now fixed. Patch will be attached to the release revision in downloads. Now is between 3 and max 9 constant cpu load, test time 3 Minutes with full GeoData loaded. Replace AC-Game.jar in AC-Game\libs
кто подскажет как на этом сервере поменять игровое время ???? gameserver.timezone = Etc/GMT+3 не помогло