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AionServer-4.8.X.X (AionGer rev.667)

Тема в разделе "Сборки серверов Aion 4.0-4.9", создана пользователем Qwas, 4 янв 2016.

  1. TopicStarter Overlay

    Qwas Ефрейтор

    rev 667
    Client: 4.8.Х.Х

    AL-Game - rev.667
    AL-Chat - rev.278 (no Changes)
    AL-Login - rev.278 (no Changes)

    AionEU 4.8 Features:
    - new Stigma System
    - new and updatet Quest
    - new and updatet NPCs
    - New Instance:
    * Idgel Dome 6v6 PvPvE
    * Shugo Emperor Vault Event Instance
    * DrakenSphire Depth Instance
    * Raksang Ruins Instance
    - new Zones:
    * Cygnea (new with next Release: full Map with Drop Monsters and World Bosses)
    * Enshar (new with next Release: full Map with Drop Monsters and World Bosses)
    * Idian Depths (full integrated with Spawns and Drops)

    TODO 4.8:
    - complete new Maps -> Cygnea and Enshar
    - create Drops for new Maps -> Cygnea, Enshar, Kaldor and Levinshor
    - add and fix Quests
    - rework Maps Inggison and Gelkmaros
    - rework Abyss

    This Emulator works only with Java 7
    Download: Please login or register to view links

    This Emulator works only with the Gameforge 4.8 EU Client
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    Download d3d8thk.dll for Windows 7 and Windows 8, 8.1, 10 (aion_start_local.bat included):
    Aion-d3d8thk-win7.rar: Please login or register to view links
    Aion-d3d8thk-win8.rar: Please login or register to view links

    Please Test in this Release:
    - Quest (from beginning)
    - Spawns and Drops (from beginning, we reworked Dropfiles)
    - Items (decomposable and decomposable select)
    - all Skills and the new Stigma System
    [667]: small update npc_templates.xml
    [666]: small update npc_templates.xml
    [665]: LinkgateFoundryFixes See Details
    -Fixed onPlayerLogOut Players should moved to Instance exit and not to (race) start map
    -Fixed Exit Spawn (X,Y,Z)
    -Added Race to Instance Exit
    [664]: See details
    - Added CompositionConfig
    - Added some Features (Composition)
    [663]: Fix for 188054198 (Greater Scroll Bundle) SRY ^^
    [662]: -Added MailTitleFix.sql !!See Details!!
    -Fix for
    Data truncation: Data too long for column 'mail_title' at row 1
    [661]: See details
    -Added Anuhart's Fabled Boxe's
    -Fixed some Pack (Wrap) Scolls's
    -Fixed Anuhart's Boxe's decompose to decompose select
    [660]: update Poeta and Ishalgen Drops (Retail 4.8)
    [659]: added new templates to drop generator
    [658]: add more Drop Templates and Update 1 Template
    [657]: update Drop Template (sorry)
    [656]: add some Drop Templates
    [655]: Linkgate Linkgate Foundry Instance
    - Portals working now
    [654]: remove some TODO Drop Files (all integratet in the Emu)
    [653]: update Poeta Drops (Retail 4.8)
    [652]: added some drop templates
    [651]: added TODO/Drops Poeta, Ishalgen and DarkPoeta (PS dropfiles and Generatet Dropfile)
    [650]: added new drop templates to drop generator
    [649]: added TODO/Drops DarkPoeta (PS dropfiles and Generatet Dropfile)
    [648]: add Chest to Decomposable Select (Retail)
    - Dark Poeta (188053291, 188053293)
    [647]: update npc_templates.xml (Schutzturm der Ruhn heroisch)
    [646]: add Chest to Decomposable Select (Retail)
    - Dark Poeta (188053281, 188053282, 188053283, 188053284, 188053285)
    [645]: add Chest to Decomposable Select (Retail)
    - Fire Temple (188052826)changed from decompose to decomposable select
    - Dark Poeta (188053286, 188053287, 188053288, 188053289)
    [644]: add Drop Template Balaur Mats Lvl50
    [643]: update npc_templates.xml (small change for Dark Poeta and FireTemple)
    [642]: Added some (Fortuneers) Quests
    [641]: Updated Quest_data
    [640]: Small update for Quest_data
    [639]: Added Quest 46529-46531 + 46537-46538 (charlirunerks_daemons)
    [638]: Added Quest 45053-45057 (field_wardens)
    [637]: Small update for quest_data.xml
    [636]: Added Quest 16942+26942 + Fixed some other small things
    [635]: add Drop_Template Manastones Lvl30-50
    [634]: add Drop Template
    [633]: Update all new Drop Templates (sorry)
    [632]: update Weapon Templates Lvl 1-10 (add Pistol and Harp)
    [631]: add Armor and Weapon Templates Lvl 1-10
    [630]: add Drop_Template Manastones Lvl20
    [629]: add Drop_Template Manastones Lvl10
    [628]: Added some Quests (Alabaster Order)
    [627]: Fixed 2 Quests (35053+35054) + Changed some spawn ID's (Cygnea)
    [626]: Fixed some Quest LoadFail (Close Dialog) in Cygnea
    [625]: Not complete now, but the first Gather Files
    - add Enshar Gather Spawn File
    - update Cygnea Gather Spawn File
    [624]: update npc_templates.xml
    [623]: update Levinshor Dropfile, update npc_templates.xml
    [622]: update Levinshor Dropfile, update npc_templates.xml
    [621]: added greater stigma bundle to drop templates
    [620]: update Kaldor and Levinshor Dropfile
    [619]: add Greater Stigma Bundles - Drop Template (Please integrate into DropGenerator)
    [618]: update Cygnea Dropfile, update npc_templates.xml
    [617]: Updated PS CM_CHARGE_ITEM + CM_CAPTCHA
    [616]: Added CM_CHARGE_ITEM + CM_CAPTCHA
    [615]: Update Danuar Reliquary and Lucky Danuar Reliquary Drops
    - added Drops to Scriptfile
    - remove wrong xml Dropfile
    [614]: update Enshar Dropfile, update npc_templates.xml
    [613]: update Enshar Dropfile, update npc_templates.xml
    [612]: Fixed Error in Console
    - Enter SubZone
    - Dainatum Chest ID:188052827 can open now.
    [611]: added some Quest
    - Alabaster
    - Field Wardens
    [610]: added some Quest
    - Charlirunerks Daemons
    [609]: added some Quest
    - Blood Crusade
    - Fortuneers
    - Radiant Ops
    [608]: fix for Skill Command: Detonation Claw (thanks a7xatomic)
    [607]: Changed Nullification Trigger Skill (thanks jijinli)
    [606]: Changed Attack Range for Skill Bestial Fury (thanks jijinli)
    [605]: Added New Chest ID: 188053118 & 188053119.
    [604]: update Enshar Droplist and update npc_templates.xml
    - update Enshar Spawns
    [603]: Added Drops for Quest 15216 + added some missing spawns (!random!)
    [602]: Removed/ Added wrong item drop -Hyperion Wings
    Added Beritra Chests & Decompose New Items.
    [601]: Added drops for quest 15215
    [600]: Add Idian Dephts Corridor to Kaldor
    - update Droplists Kaldor and Levinshor
    - small update npc_templates.xml
    [599]: Fixed some NPC's (SellForAPToShop)
    [598]: Small Fix for ItemCollecting.java
    [597]: start_dialog_id, start_dialog_id2 (id2 = end dialog) are working now for Item Collecting Quests
    [596]: Quest fix 18971 (Cygnea)
    [595]: Removed some Quests in Cygnea
    [594]: Update npc_templates.xml
    [593]: Added missing NPC 234670 (Stabschef Gepra)
    [592]: Fixed Quest 1654,1666,1668,1669 (Heiron)
    [591]: Quest Fix 14054 + Added some missing spawns
    [590]: Add Gather Spawns for Levinshor
    [589]: Add Gather Spawns for Kaldor
    - update npc_templates.xml
    - update Kaldor Dropfile


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    Последние данные очков репутации:
    Vikivs: 1 Очко 4 янв 2016
    Последнее редактирование модератором: 4 янв 2016
    Alenheym и Denifer нравится это.
  2. Offline

    logankioma Рядовой

    Некоторые ошибка найдено:
    Rentus база, Тиамат Stronhold , телепортироваться пресный Калдор идет на сайт Элиосов , тестирование здесь , у нас скоро будет больше информации.
    Alenheym нравится это.
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    Alenheym Старший сержант Команда форума Модератор

    logankioma пиши лучше на английском языке (или дублируй на английском) мы переведём, а то так не понятно.

    P.s. Можешь все ошибки постить тут, я их передам разработчикам. Или на сайте falke34 в разделе Please login or register to view links.
  4. Offline

    logankioma Рядовой

    RENTUS BASE : Portal is not , working and neither instance is missing drop in some mobs.
    TIAMAT STRONGHOLD : Portal does not move for instance.
    KALDOR : moving Asmodians to place the Elyos .
    Soon more information ...
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    klubheads Сержант Команда форума Модератор

    And here's what bugs?
    It is simply laid out the assembly is available for download. But bugs can make the developer's website .
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