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Запуск публичного серва

Тема в разделе "Помощь", создана пользователем $Sunrise$, 6 фев 2016.

  1. TopicStarter Overlay


    Народ подскажите плиз, перерыл много инфы, везде почти одно и точе.
    Делал вроде бы все по мануалу а не получается.
    Посмотрите пожалуйста логи и файлики и скажите что не так??
    Starting Aion Lightning Login Server in DEVELOPMENT mode.
    Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 8999
    01:01:31.081 INFO [main]: - Using default implementation for ThreadExecutor
    01:01:31.295 INFO [main]: - Initialized Scheduler Signaller of type: class org.q
    01:01:31.299 INFO [main]: - Quartz Scheduler v.2.1.7 created.
    01:01:31.302 INFO [main]: - RAMJobStore initialized.
    01:01:31.304 INFO [main]: - Scheduler meta-data: Quartz Scheduler (v2.1.7) 'Quar
    tzScheduler' with instanceId 'NON_CLUSTERED'
    Scheduler class: 'org.quartz.core.QuartzScheduler' - running locally.
    Currently in standby mode.
    Number of jobs executed: 0
    Using thread pool 'org.quartz.simpl.SimpleThreadPool' - with 1 threads.
    Using job-store 'org.quartz.simpl.RAMJobStore' - which does not support persis
    tence. and is not clustered.

    01:01:31.306 INFO [main]: - Quartz scheduler 'QuartzScheduler' initialized from
    an externally provided properties instance.
    01:01:31.306 INFO [main]: - Quartz scheduler version: 2.1.7
    01:01:31.307 INFO [main]: - Scheduler QuartzScheduler_$_NON_CLUSTERED started.
    01:01:31.308 INFO [main]: - ♀2016-02-06 01-01-31♀
    01:01:31.310 INFO [main]: - Loading: myls.properties
    01:01:31.311 INFO [main]: - No override properties found
    01:01:31.408 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/network/network.properties
    01:01:31.614 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/network/svstats.properties
    01:01:31.617 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/network/commons.properties
    01:01:31.620 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/network/database.properties
    01:01:33.821 INFO [main]: - Successfully connected to database
    01:01:37.965 INFO [main]: - Loaded 10 DAO implementations.
    01:01:38.024 INFO [main]: - ThreadPoolManager: Initialized with 12 scheduler, 6
    instant, 0 long running thread(s).
    01:01:38.073 INFO [main]: - Initializing Key Generator...
    01:01:40.707 INFO [main]: - GameServerTable loaded 1 registered GameServers.
    01:01:40.712 INFO [main]: - BannedIpController loaded 0 IP bans.
    01:01:40.757 INFO [main]: - Server listening on all available IPs on Port 9014 f
    or Gs Connections
    01:01:40.760 INFO [main]: - Server listening on all available IPs on Port 2106 f
    or Aion Connections
    01:01:40.805 INFO [main]: - PlayerTransferService will be initialized in 10 sec.

    01:01:40.809 INFO [main]: - Loaded 0 task from the database
    01:01:40.812 INFO [main]: - OS: Windows 7 Build: 6.1
    01:01:40.812 INFO [main]: - OS Arch: amd64
    01:01:40.813 INFO [main]: - ..................................................
    01:01:40.814 INFO [main]: - ..................................................
    01:01:40.818 INFO [main]: - Available CPU(s): 4
    01:01:40.819 INFO [main]: - Processor(s) Identifier: Intel64 Family 6 Model 42 S
    tepping 7, GenuineIntel
    01:01:40.820 INFO [main]: - ..................................................
    01:01:40.820 INFO [main]: - ..................................................
    01:01:40.821 INFO [main]: - Java Platform Information
    01:01:40.822 INFO [main]: - Java Runtime Name: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment
    01:01:40.823 INFO [main]: - Java Version: 1.7.0_45
    01:01:40.824 INFO [main]: - Java Class Version: 51.0
    01:01:40.825 INFO [main]: - ..................................................
    01:01:40.826 INFO [main]: - ..................................................
    01:01:40.827 INFO [main]: - Virtual Machine Information (JVM)
    01:01:40.827 INFO [main]: - JVM Name: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
    01:01:40.828 INFO [main]: - JVM installation directory: C:\Program Files\Java\jr
    01:01:40.829 INFO [main]: - JVM version: 24.45-b08
    01:01:40.830 INFO [main]: - JVM Vendor: Oracle Corporation
    01:01:40.831 INFO [main]: - JVM Info: mixed mode
    01:01:40.832 INFO [main]: - ..................................................
    01:01:40.833 INFO [main]: - ..................................................
    01:01:40.836 INFO [main]: - +----
    01:01:40.836 INFO [main]: - | Global Memory Informations at 1:01:40:
    01:01:40.837 INFO [main]: - | |
    01:01:40.838 INFO [main]: - | Allowed Memory: 29696 KB
    01:01:40.839 INFO [main]: - | |= Allocated Memory: 29696 KB (100,0000%)
    01:01:40.840 INFO [main]: - | |= Non-Allocated Memory: 0 KB (0,0000%)
    01:01:40.841 INFO [main]: - | Allocated Memory: 29696 KB
    01:01:40.842 INFO [main]: - | |= Used Memory: 15499 KB (52,1922%)
    01:01:40.842 INFO [main]: - | |= Unused (cached) Memory: 14197 KB (47,8078%)
    01:01:40.843 INFO [main]: - | Useable Memory: 14197 KB (47,8078%)
    01:01:40.844 INFO [main]: - +----
    01:01:40.847 INFO [main]: - PremiumController is ready for requests.
    01:01:40.848 INFO [main]: - AL Login Server started in 11 seconds.
    01:01:50.814 INFO [pool-3-thread-2]: - PlayerTransfer perform task init. 0 new t
    Starting Aion Lightning Game Server in DEVELOPMENT mode.
    Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 8998
    01:12:17.014 INFO [main]: - JavaAgent [Callback Support] is configured.
    01:12:17.170 INFO [main]: - Using default implementation for ThreadExecutor
    01:12:17.231 INFO [main]: - Initialized Scheduler Signaller of type: class org.q
    01:12:17.235 INFO [main]: - Quartz Scheduler v.2.1.7 created.
    01:12:17.240 INFO [main]: - RAMJobStore initialized.
    01:12:17.243 INFO [main]: - Scheduler meta-data: Quartz Scheduler (v2.1.7) 'Quar
    tzScheduler' with instanceId 'NON_CLUSTERED'
    Scheduler class: 'org.quartz.core.QuartzScheduler' - running locally.
    Currently in standby mode.
    Number of jobs executed: 0
    Using thread pool 'org.quartz.simpl.SimpleThreadPool' - with 1 threads.
    Using job-store 'org.quartz.simpl.RAMJobStore' - which does not support persis
    tence. and is not clustered.

    01:12:17.245 INFO [main]: - Quartz scheduler 'QuartzScheduler' initialized from
    an externally provided properties instance.
    01:12:17.246 INFO [main]: - Quartz scheduler version: 2.1.7
    01:12:17.247 INFO [main]: - Scheduler QuartzScheduler_$_NON_CLUSTERED started.
    ========================[ ===========Config========== ]========================
    01:12:17.322 INFO [main]: - Loading: mygs.properties
    01:12:17.327 INFO [main]: - No override properties found
    ===============================[ ADMINISTRATION ]===============================

    01:12:17.495 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/administration/admin.properties
    01:12:17.502 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/administration/developer.propertie
    ====================================[ MAIN ]====================================

    01:12:18.330 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/agentfight.properties
    01:12:18.334 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/ai.properties
    01:12:18.344 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/autogroup.properties
    01:12:18.348 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/base.properties
    01:12:18.356 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/beritra.properties
    01:12:18.359 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/commons.properties
    01:12:18.362 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/cache.properties
    01:12:18.368 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/cleaning.properties
    01:12:18.373 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/craft.properties
    01:12:18.390 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/custom.properties
    01:12:18.396 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/drop.properties
    01:12:18.416 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/enchants.properties
    01:12:18.430 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/events.properties
    01:12:18.434 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/falldamage.properties
    01:12:18.437 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/fasttrack.properties
    01:12:18.448 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/gameserver.properties
    01:12:18.453 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/geodata.properties
    01:12:18.458 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/group.properties
    01:12:18.467 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/housing.properties
    01:12:18.471 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/html.properties
    01:12:18.474 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/ingameshop.properties
    01:12:18.498 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/legion.properties
    01:12:18.516 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/logging.properties
    01:12:18.570 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/membership.properties
    01:12:18.572 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/moltenus.properties
    01:12:18.577 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/name.properties
    01:12:18.581 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/periodicsave.properties
    01:12:18.588 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/playertransfer.properties
    01:12:18.591 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/prices.properties
    01:12:18.595 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/punishment.properties
    01:12:18.598 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/ranking.properties
    01:12:18.613 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/rates.properties
    01:12:18.620 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/security.properties
    01:12:18.624 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/shutdown.properties
    01:12:18.651 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/siege.properties
    01:12:18.653 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/thread.properties
    01:12:18.656 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/weddings.properties
    01:12:18.658 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/world.properties
    ==================================[ NETWORK ]==================================
    01:12:18.713 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/network/database.properties
    01:12:18.726 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/network/network.properties
    01:12:19.003 ERROR[main]: - Invalid or not supported timezones specified!!!
    Use both -Duser.timezone="timezone_id" switch from command line
    and add a valid value for GSConfig.TIME_ZONE_ID
    ========================[ =========================== ]========================
    ========================[ =========DataBase========== ]========================
    01:12:20.078 INFO [main]: - Successfully connected to database
    01:12:28.454 INFO [main]: - Loaded 54 DAO implementations.
    ========================[ =========================== ]========================
    ========================[ =========Threads=========== ]========================
    01:12:28.513 INFO [main]: - ThreadPoolManager: Initialized with 16 scheduler, 4
    instant, 0 long running, and forking 0 thread(s).
    ========================[ =========================== ]========================
    ========================[ ===========Data============ ]========================
    01:12:28.521 INFO [main]: - Loading Static Data...
    01:14:05.264 INFO [main]: - MotionLoggingService started.
    01:15:11.663 INFO [main]: - Loaded 155 world maps
    01:15:11.664 INFO [main]: - Loaded 35 material ids
    01:15:11.665 INFO [main]: - Loaded 25 weather maps
    01:15:11.665 INFO [main]: - Loaded 66 levels
    01:15:11.666 INFO [main]: - Loaded 698 player stat templates
    01:15:11.667 INFO [main]: - Loaded 406 summon stat templates
    01:15:11.668 INFO [main]: - Loaded 1 item cleanup entries
    01:15:11.669 INFO [main]: - Loaded 101951 item templates
    01:15:11.670 INFO [main]: - Loaded 519 item bonus templates
    01:15:11.671 INFO [main]: - Loaded 4764 bonus item group templates
    01:15:11.672 INFO [main]: - Loaded 786 pet food items
    01:15:11.674 INFO [main]: - Loaded 63287 npc templates
    01:15:11.675 INFO [main]: - Loaded 12 system mail templates
    01:15:11.677 INFO [main]: - Loaded 4054 npc shout templates
    01:15:11.678 INFO [main]: - Loaded 218 pet templates
    01:15:11.678 INFO [main]: - Loaded 33 food flavours
    01:15:11.679 INFO [main]: - Loaded 31 pet doping templates
    01:15:11.680 INFO [main]: - Loaded 6 initial player templates
    01:15:11.681 INFO [main]: - Loaded 1986 trade lists
    01:15:11.682 INFO [main]: - Loaded 253 npc teleporter templates
    01:15:11.684 INFO [main]: - Loaded 254 teleport locations
    01:15:11.685 INFO [main]: - Loaded 13570 skill templates
    01:15:11.686 INFO [main]: - Loaded 294 motion times
    01:15:11.687 INFO [main]: - Loaded 4655 skill learn entries
    01:15:11.688 INFO [main]: - Loaded 9 cube expand entries
    01:15:11.689 INFO [main]: - Loaded 160 warehouse expand entries
    01:15:11.690 INFO [main]: - Loaded 129 bind point entries
    01:15:11.692 INFO [main]: - Loaded 5862 quest data entries
    01:15:11.693 INFO [main]: - Loaded 756 gatherable entries
    01:15:11.694 INFO [main]: - Loaded 300 title entries
    01:15:11.695 INFO [main]: - Loaded 5235 walker routes
    01:15:11.695 INFO [main]: - Loaded 12 walker group variants
    01:15:11.696 INFO [main]: - Loaded 3852 zone entries
    01:15:11.698 INFO [main]: - Loaded 3242 goodslist entries
    01:15:11.698 INFO [main]: - Loaded 719 tribe relation entries
    01:15:11.699 INFO [main]: - Loaded 12485 recipe entries
    01:15:11.700 INFO [main]: - Loaded 608 chest locations
    01:15:11.701 INFO [main]: - Loaded 68 static door locations
    01:15:11.703 INFO [main]: - Loaded 507 item set entries
    01:15:11.704 INFO [main]: - Loaded 20 npc factions
    01:15:11.706 INFO [main]: - Loaded 12038 npc skill list entries
    01:15:11.707 INFO [main]: - Loaded 13 pet skill list entries
    01:15:11.708 INFO [main]: - Loaded 69 siege location entries
    01:15:11.709 INFO [main]: - Loaded 2 vortex entries
    01:15:11.711 INFO [main]: - Loaded 54 rift entries
    01:15:11.712 INFO [main]: - Loaded 70 fly ring entries
    01:15:11.714 INFO [main]: - Loaded 13 shield entries
    01:15:11.716 INFO [main]: - Loaded 218 pet entries
    01:15:11.718 INFO [main]: - Loaded 221 guide entries
    01:15:11.720 INFO [main]: - Loaded 8 road entries
    01:15:11.722 INFO [main]: - Loaded 110 instance cooltime entries
    01:15:11.724 INFO [main]: - Loaded 2732 decomposable items entries
    01:15:11.725 INFO [main]: - Loaded 71 ai templates
    01:15:11.727 INFO [main]: - Loaded 208 flypath templates
    01:15:11.729 INFO [main]: - Loaded 8 windstream entries
    01:15:11.730 INFO [main]: - Loaded 24 assembled npcs entries
    01:15:11.732 INFO [main]: - Loaded 366 cosmetic items entries
    01:15:11.735 INFO [main]: - Loaded 96 auto group entries
    01:15:11.736 INFO [main]: - Loaded 140 spawn maps entries
    01:15:11.738 INFO [main]: - Loaded 1 active events
    01:15:11.739 INFO [main]: - Loaded 65 skill panel entries
    01:15:11.742 INFO [main]: - Loaded 16 instance Buffs entries
    01:15:11.743 INFO [main]: - Loaded 1447 housing object entries
    01:15:11.746 INFO [main]: - Loaded 64 ride info entries
    01:15:11.747 INFO [main]: - Loaded 156 instance exit entries
    01:15:11.750 INFO [main]: - Loaded 404 portal loc entries
    01:15:11.751 INFO [main]: - Loaded 416 portal templates2 entries
    01:15:11.753 INFO [main]: - Loaded 20 housing lands
    01:15:11.754 INFO [main]: - Loaded 10 house building styles
    01:15:11.755 INFO [main]: - Loaded 265 house parts
    01:15:11.757 INFO [main]: - Loaded 3096 house spawns
    01:15:11.760 INFO [main]: - Loaded 19 house default scripts
    01:15:11.762 INFO [main]: - Loaded 10 curing Objects entries
    01:15:11.764 INFO [main]: - Loaded 89 assembly items entries
    01:15:11.766 INFO [main]: - Loaded 120 challenge tasks entries
    01:15:11.826 INFO [main]: - Loaded 2951 town spawns
    01:15:11.827 INFO [main]: - Loaded 24 abyss race bonus entries
    01:15:11.828 INFO [main]: - Loaded 163 skill charge entries
    01:15:11.829 INFO [main]: - Loaded 1813 item purifications entries
    01:15:11.830 INFO [main]: - Loaded 80 decomposable select data
    01:15:11.831 INFO [main]: - Loaded 54 item enchant data
    01:15:11.832 INFO [main]: - Loaded 49 item enchant tables
    01:15:11.834 INFO [main]: - Loaded 7 multi returns items
    01:15:11.835 INFO [main]: - Loaded 73 hotspot templates
    01:15:11.836 INFO [main]: - Loaded 4 arcade upgrade entries
    01:15:11.837 INFO [main]: - Loaded 394 atreian passports
    01:15:11.838 INFO [main]: - Loaded 4 serial killer entries
    01:15:11.838 INFO [main]: - Loaded 44 base entries
    01:15:11.839 INFO [main]: - Loaded 47 beritra invasion entries
    01:15:11.840 INFO [main]: - Loaded 39 absolute stat templates
    01:15:11.841 INFO [main]: - Loaded 79 robot armor entries
    01:15:11.842 INFO [main]: - Loaded 9211 custom npc drop data
    01:15:12.520 INFO [main]: - Drop loader: Npc drops loading done.
    01:15:12.522 INFO [main]: - ##### [Static Data loaded in: 163 seconds] #####
    01:15:12.957 INFO [main]: - IDFactory: 129 id's used.
    ========================[ =========================== ]========================
    ========================[ ===========World=========== ]========================
    01:15:12.993 INFO [main]: - Loading Zone Engine...
    01:15:14.475 INFO [main]: - Loaded 5 zone handlers.
    01:15:14.521 INFO [main]: - Configured Geo type: NO_GEO
    01:15:24.840 INFO [main]: - World: 155 worlds map created.
    ========================[ =========================== ]========================
    ========================[ ==========Cleaning========= ]========================
    ========================[ =========================== ]========================
    ========================[ ==========Engines========== ]========================
    01:15:28.466 INFO [InstantPool-2]: - Instance engine load started
    01:15:28.467 INFO [InstantPool-1]: - Quest engine load started
    01:15:28.468 INFO [InstantPool-3]: - AI2 engine load started
    01:15:39.744 INFO [InstantPool-2]: - Loaded 76 instance handlers.
    01:15:39.831 WARN [InstantPool-2]: - class com.aionemu.gameserver.GameServer$2 -
    execution time: 11279msec
    01:15:53.344 INFO [InstantPool-3]: - Loaded 463 ai handlers.
    01:15:53.493 WARN [InstantPool-3]: - class com.aionemu.gameserver.GameServer$2 -
    execution time: 25027msec
    01:15:56.898 INFO [InstantPool-2]: - Loaded 0 announcements
    01:15:56.901 WARN [InstantPool-2]: - class com.aionemu.gameserver.utils.chathand
    lers.ChatProcessor$1 - execution time: 17069msec
    01:15:59.801 WARN [InstantPool-3]: - class com.aionemu.gameserver.utils.chathand
    lers.ChatProcessor$1 - execution time: 6304msec
    01:16:00.238 WARN [InstantPool-4]: - class com.aionemu.gameserver.GameServer$2 -
    execution time: 31770msec
    01:16:10.122 INFO [InstantPool-1]: - Loaded 5372 quest handlers.
    ========================[ =========================== ]========================
    ========================[ ====Siege Location Data==== ]========================
    01:16:10.136 WARN [InstantPool-1]: - class com.aionemu.gameserver.GameServer$2 -
    execution time: 41669msec
    01:16:10.141 INFO [main]: - Initializing bases...
    01:16:10.144 INFO [main]: - Loaded 44 bases.
    01:16:10.154 INFO [main]: - Loading Beritra Invasions...
    01:16:10.240 INFO [main]: - Loaded 47 Beritra Invasions.
    01:16:10.612 INFO [main]: - Loading Siege Locations...
    01:16:10.626 INFO [main]: - Loaded 69 siege locations
    01:16:10.657 INFO [main]: - Loading Vortex Locations...
    01:16:10.659 INFO [main]: - Loaded 2vortex locations
    01:16:10.673 INFO [main]: - Loading Rift Locations...
    01:16:10.675 INFO [main]: - Loaded 54 rift locations
    ========================[ =========================== ]========================
    ========================[ ==========Spawns=========== ]========================
    01:16:11.037 INFO [main]: - Spawned 110010000 [1] : 356
    01:16:11.045 INFO [main]: - Loading housing data...
    01:16:11.114 INFO [main]: - Housing Service loaded.
    01:16:11.123 INFO [main]: - Spawned 110020000 [1] : 27
    01:16:11.214 INFO [main]: - Spawned 120010000 [1] : 385
    01:16:11.221 INFO [main]: - Spawned 120020000 [1] : 24
    01:16:11.258 INFO [main]: - Spawned 110070000 [1] : 70
    01:16:11.277 INFO [main]: - Spawned 120080000 [1] : 70
    01:16:11.283 INFO [main]: - Spawned 130090000 [1] : 18
    01:16:11.288 INFO [main]: - Spawned 140010000 [1] : 18
    01:16:11.575 INFO [main]: - Spawned 210010000 [1] : 1123
    01:16:12.218 INFO [main]: - Spawned 210020000 [1] : 6622
    01:16:12.457 INFO [main]: - Spawned 210030000 [1] : 2761
    01:16:13.219 INFO [main]: - Spawned 210040000 [1] : 8612
    01:16:13.352 INFO [main]: - Spawned houses 210040000 [1] : 9
    01:16:13.748 INFO [pool-2-thread-5]: - PacketBroadcaster: Initialized.
    01:16:13.754 INFO [pool-2-thread-5]: - Init Packet Broadcaster...
    01:16:14.088 INFO [main]: - Spawned 210050000 [1] : 8695
    01:16:14.108 INFO [main]: - Spawned houses 210050000 [1] : 6
    01:16:15.045 INFO [main]: - Spawned 210060000 [1] : 7883
    01:16:15.430 INFO [main]: - Spawned 210070000 [1] : 4719
    01:16:17.609 INFO [main]: - Spawned 210080000 [1] : 1
    01:16:17.668 INFO [main]: - Spawned 210090000 [1] : 737
    01:16:17.782 INFO [main]: - Spawned 220010000 [1] : 1487
    01:16:18.201 INFO [main]: - Spawned 220020000 [1] : 7813
    01:16:18.340 INFO [main]: - Spawned 220030000 [1] : 3306
    01:16:18.640 INFO [main]: - Spawned 220040000 [1] : 8507
    01:16:18.663 INFO [main]: - Spawned houses 220040000 [1] : 9
    01:16:18.896 INFO [main]: - Spawned 220050000 [1] : 8685
    01:16:19.236 INFO [main]: - Spawned 220070000 [1] : 8305
    01:16:19.257 INFO [main]: - Spawned houses 220070000 [1] : 6
    01:16:19.477 INFO [main]: - Spawned 220080000 [1] : 5203
    01:16:19.478 INFO [main]: - Spawned 220090000 [1] : 1
    01:16:19.498 INFO [main]: - Spawned 220100000 [1] : 737
    01:16:19.499 INFO [main]: - Spawned 300010000 [1] : 0
    01:16:19.809 INFO [main]: - Spawned 400010000 [1] : 10241
    01:16:19.833 INFO [main]: - Spawned 400020000 [1] : 614
    01:16:19.838 INFO [main]: - Spawned 400030000 [1] : 36
    01:16:19.871 INFO [main]: - Spawned 400040000 [1] : 962
    01:16:19.908 INFO [main]: - Spawned 400050000 [1] : 963
    01:16:19.938 INFO [main]: - Spawned 400060000 [1] : 961
    01:16:19.939 INFO [main]: - Spawned 510010000 [1] : 1
    01:16:19.940 INFO [main]: - Spawned 520010000 [1] : 1
    01:16:19.954 INFO [main]: - Spawned 600010000 [1] : 394
    01:16:19.956 INFO [main]: - Spawned 600080000 [1] : 4
    01:16:19.998 INFO [main]: - Spawned 600090000 [1] : 2123
    01:16:20.048 INFO [main]: - Spawned 600100000 [1] : 2065
    01:16:20.110 INFO [main]: - Spawned 700010000 [1] : 1748
    01:16:20.699 INFO [main]: - Spawned houses 700010000 [1] : 500
    01:16:20.700 INFO [main]: - Spawned 700020000 [1] : 0
    01:16:20.772 INFO [main]: - Spawned 710010000 [1] : 1531
    01:16:21.163 INFO [main]: - Spawned houses 710010000 [1] : 500
    01:16:21.164 INFO [main]: - Spawned 900020000 [1] : 0
    01:16:21.165 INFO [main]: - Spawned 900030000 [1] : 0
    01:16:21.166 INFO [main]: - Spawned 900100000 [1] : 0
    01:16:21.167 INFO [main]: - Spawned 900110000 [1] : 0
    01:16:21.169 INFO [main]: - Spawned 900170000 [1] : 0
    01:16:21.169 INFO [main]: - Spawned 900180000 [1] : 0
    01:16:21.171 INFO [main]: - Spawned 900220000 [1] : 1
    01:16:21.208 INFO [main]: - Loaded 85260 npc spawns
    01:16:21.215 INFO [main]: - Loaded 16659 gatherable spawns
    01:16:21.217 INFO [main]: - Init Rifts...
    01:16:21.504 INFO [pool-2-thread-9]: - Spawning Instance Rift: IndratuFortress
    ========================[ =========================== ]========================
    ========================[ ==========Sieges=========== ]========================
    01:16:24.661 INFO [main]: - Init Sieges...
    01:16:27.887 INFO [main]: - Init SK...
    01:16:27.963 INFO [main]: - Init Dispute Lands...
    ========================[ =========================== ]========================
    ========================[ =======TaskManagers======== ]========================
    01:16:27.995 INFO [main]: - Init Periodic Save...
    01:16:28.006 INFO [main]: - AbyssRankUpdateService: executing rank update
    01:16:28.354 INFO [main]: - Updating abyss ranking cache
    01:16:28.638 INFO [main]: - Legion ranking update task started
    01:16:28.639 INFO [main]: - Legion ranking update: 0 ms, legions: 0
    01:16:28.640 INFO [main]: - AbyssRankUpdateService: execution time: 0
    01:16:28.640 INFO [main]: - Starting ranking update task based on cron expressio
    n: 0 0 0 * * ?
    01:16:29.127 INFO [main]: - Loaded 1 task from the database
    ========================[ =========================== ]========================
    ========================[ =========Services========== ]========================
    01:16:30.089 INFO [main]: - Scheduled Limited Items based on cron expression siz
    e: 323
    01:16:30.361 INFO [main]: - GameTimeService started. Update interval:180000
    01:16:30.436 INFO [main]: - DebugService started. Analyze iterval: 1800000
    01:16:30.619 INFO [main]: - Loading broker...
    01:16:30.663 INFO [main]: - Broker loaded with 0 broker items, 0 settled items.
    01:16:30.671 INFO [main]: - BrokerPeriodicTaskManager: Initialized.
    01:16:30.759 INFO [main]: - ExchangePeriodicTaskManager: Initialized.
    01:16:30.871 INFO [main]: - FatigueService initialized
    01:16:30.909 INFO [main]: - [ATREIAN PASSPORT] Loaded 36 daily passports
    01:16:30.910 INFO [main]: - [ATREIAN PASSPORT] Loaded 330 cumulative passports
    01:16:30.911 INFO [main]: - [ATREIAN PASSPORT] Loaded 28 anniversary passports
    01:16:30.912 INFO [main]: - AtreianPassportService initialized
    01:16:31.773 INFO [main]: - Loaded 10 custom message handlers.
    01:16:31.812 INFO [main]: - spawned Curing Zones
    01:16:32.028 INFO [main]: - Cache
    : Caching started... OK.
    01:16:32.030 INFO [main]: - Cache[HTML]: Using cache file... OK.
    01:16:32.207 INFO [main]: - Cache[HTML]: 10,979 kilobytes on 8 file(s) loaded.
    01:16:32.208 INFO [main]: - Cache[HTML]: Compaction skipped!
    01:16:32.298 INFO [main]: - EventCron: clean limits in db 0 size.
    01:16:32.304 INFO [pool-2-thread-16]: - Spawned Event objects in 110010000 [1] :
     1 (World Blessers)
    01:16:32.326 INFO [pool-2-thread-16]: - Spawned Event objects in 120010000 [1] :
     1 (World Blessers)
    01:16:32.330 INFO [pool-2-thread-16]: - Spawned Event objects in 210010000 [1] :
     2 (World Blessers)
    01:16:32.333 INFO [pool-2-thread-16]: - Spawned Event objects in 220010000 [1] :
     2 (World Blessers)
    01:16:32.337 INFO [pool-2-thread-16]: - Spawned Event objects in 210030000 [1] :
     5 (World Blessers)
    01:16:32.341 INFO [pool-2-thread-16]: - Spawned Event objects in 220030000 [1] :
     5 (World Blessers)
    01:16:32.343 INFO [pool-2-thread-16]: - Spawned Event objects in 210020000 [1] :
     6 (World Blessers)
    01:16:32.344 INFO [pool-2-thread-16]: - Spawned Event objects in 220020000 [1] :
     7 (World Blessers)
    01:16:32.367 INFO [pool-2-thread-16]: - Spawned Event objects in 210060000 [1] :
     5 (World Blessers)
    01:16:32.369 INFO [pool-2-thread-16]: - Spawned Event objects in 220050000 [1] :
     5 (World Blessers)
    01:16:32.385 INFO [pool-2-thread-16]: - Spawned Event objects in 210040000 [1] :
     7 (World Blessers)
    01:16:32.387 INFO [pool-2-thread-16]: - Spawned Event objects in 220040000 [1] :
     4 (World Blessers)
    01:16:32.388 INFO [pool-2-thread-16]: - Spawned Event objects in 210050000 [1] :
     1 (World Blessers)
    01:16:32.389 INFO [pool-2-thread-16]: - Spawned Event objects in 220070000 [1] :
     1 (World Blessers)
    01:16:32.535 INFO [main]: - Scheduled Dredgion: based on cron expression: 0 0 0/
    3 1/1 * ? * Duration: 120 in minutes
    01:16:32.557 INFO [main]: - Scheduled Kamar Battlefield: based on cron expressio
    n: 0 0 0,8,14,18,2 ? * * Duration: 120 in minutes
    01:16:32.575 INFO [main]: - Scheduled Engulfed Ophidan Bridge based on cron expr
    ession: 0 0 0,10,16,2 ? * * Duration: 120 in minutes
    01:16:32.578 INFO [main]: - Scheduled Iron Wall WarFront based on cron expressio
    n: 0 0 0,14,18,23 ? * * Duration: 60 in minutes
    01:16:32.582 INFO [main]: - Scheduled Idgle Dome Instance based on cron expressi
    on: 0 0 23 1/1 * ? * Duration: 60 in minutes
    01:16:32.611 INFO [main]: - AdminService loaded 2 operational items.
    01:16:32.664 INFO [main]: - PlayerTransferService loaded. With 0 restricted skil
    ========================[ =========================== ]========================
    ========================[ ==========Housing========== ]========================
    01:16:32.667 INFO [main]: - Loading house bids...
    Їхт 06, 2016 1:16:32 AM java.util.logging.LogManager$RootLogger log
    WARNING: Unevenly distributed hash code - Degraded Performance
    01:16:32.918 INFO [main]: - HousingBidService: auction auto filling enabled.
    01:16:33.029 INFO [main]: - HousingBidService: added 0 new house bids.
    01:16:33.030 INFO [main]: - HousingBidService loaded. Minutes till start: 2088
    01:16:33.049 INFO [main]: - Initializing House maintenance task...
    01:16:33.153 INFO [main]: - Loaded 25 elyos towns.
    01:16:33.153 INFO [main]: - Loaded 25 asmodians towns.
    01:16:33.157 INFO [main]: - ChallengeTaskService initialized.
    ========================[ =========================== ]========================
    ========================[ ==========Customs========== ]========================
    01:16:33.160 INFO [main]: - LookManager initialized
    01:16:33.162 INFO [main]: - SupportService initialized
    01:16:33.179 INFO [main]: - Checking AutoShutdown Schedule...
    01:16:33.180 INFO [main]: - Starting RestartService ...
    01:16:33.182 WARN [main]: - Automatic restart/shutdown system disable.
    ========================[ =========================== ]========================
    ========================[ ==========System=========== ]========================
    01:16:59.271 INFO [main]: - OS: Windows 7 Build: 6.1
    01:16:59.272 INFO [main]: - OS Arch: amd64
    01:16:59.275 INFO [main]: - ..................................................
    01:16:59.275 INFO [main]: - ..................................................
    01:16:59.360 INFO [main]: - Available CPU(s): 4
    01:16:59.361 INFO [main]: - Processor(s) Identifier: Intel64 Family 6 Model 42 S
    tepping 7, GenuineIntel
    01:16:59.361 INFO [main]: - ..................................................
    01:16:59.362 INFO [main]: - ..................................................
    01:16:59.363 INFO [main]: - Java Platform Information
    01:16:59.363 INFO [main]: - Java Runtime  Name: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment
    01:16:59.364 INFO [main]: - Java Version: 1.7.0_45
    01:16:59.364 INFO [main]: - Java Class Version: 51.0
    01:16:59.365 INFO [main]: - ..................................................
    01:16:59.365 INFO [main]: - ..................................................
    01:16:59.366 INFO [main]: - Virtual Machine Information (JVM)
    01:16:59.367 INFO [main]: - JVM Name: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
    01:16:59.367 INFO [main]: - JVM installation directory: C:\Program Files\Java\jr
    01:16:59.368 INFO [main]: - JVM version: 24.45-b08
    01:16:59.368 INFO [main]: - JVM Vendor: Oracle Corporation
    01:16:59.369 INFO [main]: - JVM Info: mixed mode
    01:16:59.369 INFO [main]: - ..................................................
    01:16:59.370 INFO [main]: - ..................................................
    01:16:59.403 INFO [main]: - +----
    01:16:59.404 INFO [main]: - | Global Memory Informations at 1:16:59:
    01:16:59.405 INFO [main]: - |	|
    01:16:59.405 INFO [main]: - | Allowed Memory: 2796544 KB
    01:16:59.405 INFO [main]: - |	|= Allocated Memory: 2721280 KB (97,3087%)
    01:16:59.406 INFO [main]: - |	|= Non-Allocated Memory: 75264 KB (2,6913%)
    01:16:59.406 INFO [main]: - | Allocated Memory: 2721280 KB
    01:16:59.407 INFO [main]: - |	|= Used Memory: 1294186 KB (46,2780%)
    01:16:59.408 INFO [main]: - |	|= Unused (cached) Memory: 1427094 KB (51,0306%
    01:16:59.408 INFO [main]: - | Useable Memory: 1502358 KB (53,7220%)
    01:16:59.409 INFO [main]: - +----
    ===============================[ GameServerLog ]===============================
    01:16:59.410 INFO [main]: - AL GameServer started in 284 seconds.
    01:16:59.451 INFO [main]: - ==================================================
    01:16:59.452 INFO [main]: - ==============>Aion Lightning Core<===============
    01:16:59.453 INFO [main]: - ==================>developed by <=================
    01:16:59.454 INFO [main]: - ===============>Aion German Group<================
    01:16:59.454 INFO [main]: - ==================================================
    01:16:59.455 INFO [main]: - Thanks to all who helped this project!
    01:16:59.456 INFO [main]: - Major Patch: 4.8
    01:16:59.457 INFO [main]: - Minor Patch: 4.8.x.x
    01:16:59.458 INFO [main]: - Copyright: 2014-2015
    01:16:59.458 INFO [main]: - ==================================================
    ========================[ =====Starting Network====== ]========================
    01:17:00.656 INFO [main]: - Server listening on all available IPs on Port 7777 f
    or Game Connections
    01:17:00.694 INFO [main]: - Connecting to LoginServer: /
    01:17:22.282 INFO [main]: - Cant connect to LoginServer: Connection timed out: c
    # ----------------------------
    # Database Config's:
    # ----------------------------
    # This class represents database driver class that will be used while connecting to database
    database.driver = com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
    # This is database url. 
    database.url = jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/al_server_ls
    # Database user
    database.user = root
    # Database password
    # NOTE: Change this! Root password is not safe!
    database.password = 12345
    # Number of partitions created by bonecp
    database.bonecp.partition.count = 2
    # Minimal amount of connections kept in bonecp partition
    database.bonecp.partition.connections.min = 2
    # Maximal amount of connections kept in bonecp partition
    database.bonecp.partition.connections.max = 5
    # Script context that will be loaded by database factory, it should implement DAO instances
    database.scriptcontext.descriptor = ./data/scripts/system/database.xml
    # ----------------------------
    # Network Config's:
    # ----------------------------
    # LoginServer will listen for connections on specified port
    loginserver.network.client.port = 2106
    # LoginServer will bind specified network interface
    # * - bind all interfaces
    loginserver.network.client.host = *
    # How many times player can try to login before he get's banned for bruteforcing
    loginserver.network.client.logintrybeforeban = 5
    # For what time in minutes player should be banned in case of bruteforcing
    loginserver.network.client.bantimeforbruteforcing = 15
    # Host that will be used by LS to listen for GS connections
    loginserver.network.gameserver.host = *
    # Port that will be used by LS to listen for GS connections
    loginserver.network.gameserver.port = 9014
    # Nuber of additional threads for NIO that will handle only reading
    loginserver.network.nio.threads.read = 0
    # Nuber of additional threads for NIO that will handle only writing
    loginserver.network.nio.threads.write = 0
    # Create accounts automatically or not?
    loginserver.accounts.autocreate = true
    # Set if the server is in maintenance or not / only gm can login
    loginserver.server.maintenance = false
    # Set gm level for maintenance mode(Default 3)
    loginserver.server.maintenance.gmlevel = 3
    # Enable\disable flood protector from 1 ip on account login
    loginserver.server.floodprotector = true
    loginserver.server.bruteforceprotector = true
    # Checking gs if it still alive
    loginserver.server.pingpong = true
    loginserver.server.pingpong.delay = 3000
    # flood manager
    # legal reconnection time. if faster - ban for loginserver.network.client.bantimeforbruteforcing min
    # seconds
    network.fastreconnection.time = 5
    # Ip's excluded from flood protection
    loginserver.excluded.ips = 
    # ----------------------------
    # Network Config's:
    # ----------------------------
    # Port that will be used to listen for client connections
    gameserver.network.client.port = 7777
    # Host that will be used to listen for client connections
    gameserver.network.client.host = *
    # Maximum online players on the server
    gameserver.network.client.maxplayers = 100
    # Address of login server
    gameserver.network.login.address =
    # Id of this game server
    gameserver.network.login.gsid = 1
    # Password of this game server
    gameserver.network.login.password =
    # Address of chat server
    # Ip and port of chat server should be accessible from
    # 1) game server
    # 2) all connected clients
    gameserver.network.chat.address =
    # Password of this game server for chat server
    gameserver.network.chat.password =
    # Number of extra threads dedicated only to read/write network data.
    # Value < 1 means that acceptor thread will also handle read & write.
    # Value > 0 means there will be x dedicated read/write threads + 1 acceptor.
    gameserver.network.nio.threads = 1
    # Number of threads (min) that will be used to execute client packets
    gameserver.network.packet.processor.threads.min = 4
    # Number of threads (max) that will be used to execute client packets
    gameserver.network.packet.processor.threads.max = 4
    # Threshold used to decide when packet processor thread should be killed
    # It have effect only if min threads != max threads
    gameserver.network.packet.processor.threshold.kill = 3
    # Threshold used to decide when extra packet processor thread should be spawned
    # It have effect only if min threads != max threads
    gameserver.network.packet.processor.threshold.spawn = 50
    # This will enable or disable the messages for unknown packets
    gameserver.network.display.unknownpackets = true
    # Enable flood protector
    gameserver.network.flood.connections = false
    # Flood ms in tick
    gameserver.network.flood.tick = 1000
    # Short period
    gameserver.network.flood.short.warn = 10
    gameserver.network.flood.short.reject = 20
    gameserver.network.flood.short.tick = 10
    # Long period
    gameserver.network.flood.long.warn = 30
    gameserver.network.flood.long.reject = 60
    gameserver.network.flood.long.tick = 60
    # ----------------------------
    # Database Config's:
    # ----------------------------
    # This class represents database driver class that will be used while connecting to database
    database.driver = com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
    # This is database url.
    database.url = jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/al_server_gs
    # Database user
    database.user = root
    # Database password
    # NOTE: Change this! Root password is not safe!
    database.password = 12345
    # Number of partitions created by bonecp
    database.bonecp.partition.count = 2
    # Minimal amount of connections kept in bonecp partition
    database.bonecp.partition.connections.min = 2
    # Maximal amount of connections kept in bonecp partition
    database.bonecp.partition.connections.max = 5
    # Script context that will be loaded by database factory, it should implement DAO instances
    database.scriptcontext.descriptor = ./data/scripts/system/database.xml
    <ipconfig default=""> 
    	<iprange min="" max="" address=""/>
    	<iprange min="" max="" address=""/>
    	<iprange min="" max="" address=""/>
    	<iprange min="" max="" address=""/> 
    Посмотрите пожалуйста и скажите что исправить. Буду очень благодарен
  2. Offline

    klubheads Сержант Команда форума Модератор

    номер 1
    gameserver.network.login.address =

    номер 2
    gameserver.network.login.password =
  3. Offline

    yayaya Ефрейтор Команда форума

    Сборка 3.0 мир?))
  4. Offline

    Magister Рядовой

    всем привет ест вопрос можете кто не будь сделать видео урок для публичного запуска с IP адреса у меня тут не очень получается к моему серверу может зайти толка провайдеры как у меня а остальные провайдеры не может зайти ? !
  5. Offline

    yayaya Ефрейтор Команда форума

    Делал как то)) но никому он не нужен оказался ищи на ютубе.