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AionServer- (Aion Core rev.768U) CPU Load Hotfix

Aion Core

  1. Alenheym

    Aion Core
    AionServer- NA
    Rev: 768 release
    Update: 16.07.2015

    AC-Game - Rev.768
    GeoData - Rev.19
    AC-Login - Rev.23
    AC-Chat - Rev.19

    Added 1 vs 1 System.+ Added TradeKill Detector in FFA Instance
    (Requires "GM (Audit Logger)" to be Enable to view the TradeKill Messages)
    Features in 1vs1:

    # Use Player command .1v1 to register to 1vs1 Queue.
    # You can re-type .1v1 while registered to Unregister from the Queue.

    # The Teleport calls are in Every 1min, It Checks if there are 2 Players Minimum Registered, if there is , Then those two will be ported to the given Map for 1vs1, if there are more, then they will be calculated and divided each of em by 2 and sends 2 by 2.. o.o
    # The 1 vs 1 Announce Message (i.e "You can register to 1vs1 by typing .1v1" ) will pop in every 15min.

    @In 1vs1
    # The Normal 1vs1 Type, There will be 3 Rounds, Each round ends when one is dead, The most kills in 3 round wins the match.
    # If a target disconnects then , The other will be frozen for 5sec, and will be ported out , "No reward will be given".
    # There is 5min for each round, If the time limit exceeds , The round is declared as a Tie!

    # You will get amount of Gp/AP/Toll/Item , which can be set in eventsystem.properties with the quantity
    The Item Reward is not 100% , There is a chance that you will get it or not, but the GP/AP/TOLL is permanent, Even if you lose or Win, you will get amount of these.

    If the round goes TIE, and no one won, Then both will get the LOSE Reward , But No ITEM reward.

    Fixed, connect to the server (with login and password), the client display this message: "You can not log into the game from that IP address".

    There was an issue with the account_data table, which get sometimes corrupted do wrong record values.
    The column "ip_force" must be "Null" not "0" or other values

Последние обнoвления

  1. CPU Load Hotfix
  2. Обновление
  3. No-IP Restriction for Aio