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AionServer-4.7.5.X (Aion Core rev.7420; By GiGatR00n; исход) NO LICENSE SYSTEM

Aion Core rev.7420 By GiGatR00n

  1. Alenheym
    Logo GiGatR00n.png

    Aion Core By GiGatR00n
    Rev: 7420
    Update: 29.04.2015
    SVN: Please login or register to view links


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    Aion-Core v4.7.5.x Full Source NO LICENSE SYSTEM
    By GiGatR00n

    Today, I've decided to open my Aion-Core Full Source to world. WHY? cuz Aion Developer Community is really dead and No one interested to develop any-more and all just wait for others to make/implement some new features and STEAL IT. So the Aion Project is over for me and I'll return to better game communities with Pro Coders such as Call of Duty Series, BattleField3-4 Series, ...

    Note: I implemented Full Commercial Licensing System (Client/Server) for Aion-Core Community for protecting my works but NOW I REMOVED IT and This is my Full Source with all features v4.7.5.x (NO LICENSE SYSTEM)


    Here is some of new features Implemented by @Please login or register to view links:

    1. Fully Source Clean-up which makes it 3x faster than before
    Now /ping is zero

    2. Please login or register to view links is fully implemented:

    1). All Instance features and Mobs are fully coded and working retail like.
    2). Full Drop Items (Kunax ArmorSet, WeaponSet, Accessories)
    3). Boss Skills (Ide Scale, Aggressive Shot, Slaughtering Cleave, Cleaving Massacre, Howl of Emptiness, Fierce Roar (Full), ...)
    4). Mobs Skills (Attack Skills vs. Heal and Rage Skills) even more accurate than NcSoft System
    5). Instance BUFFs (Resurrection)
    6). Environment Factors + Skills (Unstable Ide Energy, Ide Explosion, ...)
    7). ShallowWater fully coded using new mathematics formula (It more accurate than NCSoft)
    8). New AI System for controlling Boss and Mobs
    9). New Tribe "Invulnerable" for Creatures
    10). Chests (Aether Bomb, Freeze Bomb, Defensive Scroll)
    11). Rewards (AbyssPoints, GloryPoints, Boxes, ...) with Config for each of them
    12). Anti-Cheat System for Emulating Packets and getting more rewards (No one can trick to system)
    13). All Hidden NPCs fully coded and implemented as Retail.
    14). any many more ...

    3. Fully Implemented Broker System v4.7.5.x
    1). Config file: "broker.properties"
    2). All Packets Fully Implemented
    3). New Selling System Implemented
    SellAll SellSplit 4). New Selling Hours Implemented
    5). MySQL DB Updated to Cover New Selling System (New Field Added)
    6). Broker Config Implemented for Admins (Expired Period, Anti-Hack Punishment, ...)
    7). Fixed settle_time for Broker Items
    8). Buy/Sell/Search/ExpiredItems/SetteledAccount

    4. Hotspot Teleport Service + Config files
    1). Config file: "custom.properties"

    # ---------------------------------------------
    # HOTSPOT TELEPORT (By GiGatR00n v4.7.5.x)
    # ---------------------------------------------
    # Set the Teleportation Delay in Milliseconds
    gameserver.hotspot.teleport.delay = 10000
    # Set Teleportation Cooldown Time in Seconds
    gameserver.hotspot.teleport.cooldown.delay = 600

    2). Observer to verify whether the player is in Action(Move,UseSkill,Die,Attacked,...) while Teleporting? if so, Cancel Teleportation

    5. Full Implemented Multi Return Scrolls v4.7.5.x
    1). Config file: "ReturnScrolls.properties"
    2). Added Full Parser + Source for Scrolls (It can be used for other XML files too)

    6. Fully implemented "Invulnerable" Tribe (Even in Skills)

    7. Updated SM_ATTACK for all new v4.7.5 to v4.8 Instances
    Now all two way Bosses/Monsters can attack both <Ground> and <onAir> Units
    from v4.7.x.x Bosses like <Destroyer's Kunax> have Two types of AutoAttack

    8. 95% full npc_trade_list.xml (Reparsed and Reworked)

    9. Fully Updated "MathUtil Class" to handle new features of v4.7.5.x Instances like ShallowWatter, Poisons, ...
    Idian Depths, Idgel Dome, Danuar Reliquary, ... have these types of hidden NPCs and now we can handle all of them

    10. Fixed Base Flag Checking to prevent attackers to capture same base
    Fixed and Updated Tribe Relation Service that cuzed Monsters attack each other wrongly
    Added new NpcType (Invulnerable) for packet SM_NPC_INFO that implemented in v4.7.5 (Used in IdgelDome and Pangea Siege)
    Fixed Base Flag Checking to prevent attackers to capture same base

    11. Fully Updated .support and //ticket Admin/Player Commands
    Syntax: .ticket "Your Issue"
    Syntax: //ticket <accept | peek>
    From: GiGatR00n:65:ELYOS:gladiator
    this is first test of support system

    12. Implemented GarbageCollector Service to free unused heap memory (Useful when running GameServer for long period)
    Enable/Disable using gameserver.properties
    Default, Every 5-Minutes Optimization Process will be launched

    13. Updated GarbageCollector for handling AdminCommand //reload config

    14. Implemented in-Game Admin Symbols (for the first time without any Limitation)
    You can change any combination you want
    Even Members VIP/Premium can have double symbols
    from \uE000 to \uE0CE you can add symbols

    e.g. Crown: \uE0BD, Wings: \uE042 \uE043

    \uE0BD \uE042 Admin \uE043 %s \uE0BD
    \uE06F \uE042 Supporter \uE043 %s \uE06F
    \uE04E \uE042 Junior-GM \uE043 %s \uE04E

    15. All Weather Tables v4.7.5.x (Danuar Mysticarium, Unity Training Grounds, Legion's Danuar Mysticarium, Idgel Storage)
    Updated Many NPCs Shouts such as (IDCT_Boss_ArchPriest_Hard, IDCT_Boss_DeathKnight_Hard, IDCT_Boss_ElementalFire_Hard, IDCT_Boss_Shulack_Hard,

    IDCTH_Boss_StatueDrakan, IDCTH_Rudra)
    Added Many Decomposable Items

    16. In-Game Packets Sniffing (Show CM/SM Packets Name + Hex-Bytes in Chat Window)
    1). Its Usage:

    - Finding Missing Bytes
    - Analyzing when CM/SM Packets sent/received
    - Reordering CM/SM Packets
    - Reconstructing Packets
    - Filtering Packets eg. SM_MOVE, CM_CASTSPELL, CM_ATTACK

    2). Config file: "developer.properties"

    # ------------------------------
    # Packets Proccessing Settings
    # (By GiGatR00n v4.7.5.x)
    # ------------------------------
    # Display Packets Name for Developers only (Only Console Window)
    # Default: false
    gameserver.developer.showpackets.enable = false

    # Display Packets Name or Hex-Bytes in Chat Window
    # Default: false
    gameserver.developer.show.packetnames.inchat.enable = false
    gameserver.developer.show.packetbytes.inchat.enable = false

    # Total Packet Bytes should be shown in Chat Window?
    # Default: 200-Hexed bytes
    gameserver.developer.show.packetbytes.inchat.total = 200

    # Filters which Packets should be shown in Chat Windows?
    # Default: * (All Packets Shown)
    gameserver.developer.filter.packets.inchat = *

    # if the Player Access Level is meet, display Packets-Name or Hex-Bytes in Chat Window
    # Tip: Player Access-Level higher than 3 is recommended
    # 10 - Server-Owner
    # 9 - Server-CoOwner
    # 8 - Root-Admin L3
    # 7 - Root-Admin L2
    # 6 - Root-Admin L1
    # 5 - Admin
    # 4 - Head-GM
    # 3 - GM
    # 2 - Jr.-GM
    # 1 - Supporter
    # 0 - Players
    gameserver.developer.show.packets.inchat.accesslevel = 3

    17. 100% full Gatherable_Templates.xml (Reparsed and Reworked)

    18. Fixed Buy_Trade_in_Trade for Kaisinel & Other Shops
    Updated CM_BUY_TRADE_IN_TRADE + Services to be able to purchase different kind of items
    Added Anti-Cheat System to Prevent Client Hack
    Fixed some missing parts on Game Server

    19. Fully Updated Tuning Items that cuz Client-Crash after Right-Click

    20. Updated pets.xml to (but need to implement MERCHANT, BUFF type)
    Added Normal Pets (Ailu Claw, Cheering Dandi, Tiamat Whelp, Bottlenose Tion, Red Bulldozer of Glory)
    Added MERCHANT, BUFF Pets (Squeeble, Pinkybell, Shu-Ghost, Royal Kitter, Kennercan)

    21. Many Quests got fixed

    22. Fully Added Plume Stat (Attack|MagicBoost + HP Boosts)
    Added Opcodes too

    23. Fixed Character Deletion.
    Fixed and Updated Packets SM_CHARACTER_LIST & AccountService
    Fixed Relog for Deletion Chars
    Fixed Java Data Types Conversion Bug

    24. Added new config for "Regular, Premium, VIP" within membership.properties & gameserver.properties

    25. Fully Added "Assured Greater Felicitous Socketing"

    26. Fully Added Opcodes, Protocols, XML Tags for decomposable_selectitems.xml to v4.7.5.x

    27. Updated Server Game Time Bug to v4.7.5.x

    28. Fully Updated skill_templates.xml to v4.7.5.x (90% All Skils got fixed/added)

    29. Fully Updated item_random_bonuses.xml to v4.7.5.x

    30. Fully Updated item_random_bonuses.xml to v4.7.5.x

    31. Fully Updated recipe_templates.xml to v4.7.5.x

    32. Fully Updated flypath_template.xml, npc_teleporter.xml to v4.7.5.x

    33. Fully Updated polymorph_panels.xml to v4.7.5.x

    34. Fully Fixed Item Remodel Service v4.7.5.x
    Opcodes Changed

    35. Fully Updated instance_cooltimes.xml to v4.7.5.x

    36. Fully Updated world_maps.xml to v4.7.5.x

    37. Fully Implemented Skill's Animations v4.7.5.x

    38. Many Opcodes got updated to v4.7.5.x

    and so on

    Don't ask any question regarding code, bugs, compiling, ... Just use as is (NO SUPPORT)

    The last Words:
    If you'r really Pro Coder (Java & C++) and want to assist me, Call me on skype: GiGatR00n


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