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AionServer-4.8 (AionGer-emulator rev.283) Alpha Test Release


  1. Alenheym
    rev 283
    Client: 4.8
    Alpha Test Release

    AL-Game - rev.283
    AL-Chat - rev.278
    AL-Login - rev.278

    This Emulator works only with Java 7: Please login or register to view links

    This Emulator works only with the Gameforge 4.8 EU Client: Please login or register to view links

    AionEU 4.8 Features:
    - new Stigma System
    - new Zones:
    * Cygnea
    * Enshar
    * Idian Depths (full integrated with Spawns and Drops)

    rev283: update item_templates.xml
    rev282: update item_templates.xml
    rev281: update item_templates.xml
    rev280: fix for quest 1122
    rev279: Changed some NPC's to is_dialog="false" because they dont have dialogs (TODO find all other fault dialogs)
    rev278: fix for quest 1107 (Poeta)
    rev277: fix for group walker (see forum for details)
    rev276: Fixed walker formation (Cygnea) TODO route not 100%
    rev275: deleted drops for not killable npcs
    rev274: Set staticServerPacketCode to the same value as it is in PS
    rev273: deleted drops from not killable npcs
    rev272: deleted drops from not killable npcs
    rev271: Updated some SkillId (EffectController.java, Effect.java and Skill.java)
    rev270: add Webshop from 4.7 and update the HTML Files
    rev269: drops for poeta (better version)
    rev268: Update Rift and Siege Schedule
    rev267: Update TODO and some Skills
    rev266: Update for IdgelDome Instance
    rev265: Code Cleanup Part 2
    rev264: Code Cleanup
    rev263: Update for Quest 2296 :D
    rev262: Re added removeBrokenStigmas (PlayerEnterWorldService)
    rev261: Updated some Quest's , Added some Quest's and Delete some Quest's (THX Pralinka)
    rev260: Added Quest's to Cygnea + Enshar (THX Pralinka)
    rev259: Some changes see details (npc_template, ItemData, DialogService)
    rev258: Reverted some Mob updates (Cygnea)
    rev257: Added some missing Spawns in Cygnea + Added 2 Walker's (TODO Formation..)
    rev256: reworked drops for poeta (to see the new filesize)
    rev255: - Updated ToDo-List
    rev254: update Instance Cooltimes - Part 2
    rev253: small Rift and Siege Update
    rev252: update Instance Cooltimes
    rev251: Update Raksang Ruins - Instance Exit and Droplist
    rev250: sorry
    rev249: set some Instance Exit to "TODO"
    rev248: removed some old Instances and Raid Locations
    rev247: remove old Instance and Drops
    rev246: delete some Dropfiles, update Drops for Raksang Ruins
    rev245: deleted npc drops without drop definition in aiondatabase from npc_drop.dat
    - fast check for ids 212000 to 229999
    rev244: deleted npc drops without drop definition in aiondatabase from npc_drop.dat
    - ids 210000 to 211999
    merged drop files and deleted the merged files
    - also deleted npcs without drop definitions
    note: drop definitions need to be revised
    rev243: deleted npc drops without drop definition in aiondatabase
    - IDS 201000 to 209999
    rev242: Siege and NPC's Updates more see Details
    -Added missing Siege
    -Updated Influence.java
    -Updated SM_INFLUENCE_RATIO.java
    -Added more NPC's who attack Dummy in Cygnea
    -Removed some wrong NPC's in Cygnea
    -Added some missing NPC's in Cygnea
    rev241: Quest LoadFail Fix (Quest 20500)
    rev240: Update yguard.jar
    rev239: - Fixed CM_AUTO_GROUP Opcode
    rev238: Added Quest 10500 and 20500
    rev237: - Added content to CM_MAC_ADDRESS
    - Updated SM_VERSION_CHECK
    - Fixed prices
    rev236: - Updated some pakets
    rev235: modified npc_drop.dat after deleting drop for java spawns
    rev234: extracted drops for npcs spawned in java files
    - spawns in quests
    - spanws in instance
    - ToDo: merging files for identical WorldMaps
    rev233: added some Quests from Pralinka (Thanks) and removed some old Quests
    rev232: add all other Stigma Quest and remove old Greater Stigma Quests
    rev231: add first Stigma Quests (Lvl30 Eltnen and Lvl40 Heiron), please Test and give me a Report
    rev230: - Fixed decomposable select items. Now work with race
    rev229: - Removed SourceSiege.java and old methods
    rev228: add npc_templates.xml to PS (i forget)
    rev227: sorry
    rev226: Update some Portals
    rev225: Update decomposable_select Items:
    - update for "Race" Selection (working better but not finished) (TODO)
    - add first Stigma Bundels
    rev224: add "<decompose select="true"/>" to items_template (all decomposable_select items works now)
    - add Folder Patches
    rev223: removed some Drop Files
    rev222: deleted drops from npcs without entry in npc_template.xml
    - new file = deleted data
    rev221: deleted all drops of old stigma items
    - itemids 140000001 to 140001096
    rev220: - Updated stigma quests
    rev219: small Update for npc_templates.xml and set enable Siege of "true"
    rev218: - Removed old source system from SiegeService
    - Removed unused code
    - Updated npc_templates.xml
    - Fixed Sieges and Bases
    rev217: Update npc_templates.xml
    rev216: DecomposeAction.java
    - removed some Drop Files
    - removed some Zone Files
    rev214: Removed unused Quest Script + Fixed QE in Sanctum
    rev213: Zone Fix for Quest 10100
    rev212: For Rev 211 sry :( :(
    rev211: For REV 210 sry
    rev210: Updated some static_data (bind_points, trade, ride, robot, zones, etc) + removed Old Zones
    rev209: Some Skill fixes and Spiritmaster Pet Fixes
    rev208: Updated skill_tree, skill_templates, skills.xsd + more see details.
    - Added effect TargetChangeEffect.java (Thx AION-CORE)
    - Added GM Skill 240, 241
    - Added targetchange to Effects.java and EffectType.java
    rev207: Reverted Changes from Ace65 (not needed DB use, !! but good work !!)+ Fixed Stigma System (REV 185) THX Lyras
    rev206: - Updated SM_INSTANCE_SCORE, still under development
    rev205: Update npc_templates.xml
    rev204: moved drop file to /drops_before_splitted
    - there is a newer file for 4.8 (see Idian_Dephts.xml)
    rev203: - deleted sub directory /static_data/npc_drops
    rev202: - splitted npc_drop.dat into single files for reworking and better editing
    - created /todo/drops_before_splitted and saved old drop files
    - also moved sub directory /old_drops to drops_before_splitted
    - more details see forum
    rev201: Update Stigma 4.8 Unquip good now , just fix Linked hide after 2 logout, you need add sql file in your database
    rev200: Update npc_templates.xml (Instance 301120000)
    rev199: Update npc_templates.xml (Instance 301220000)
    rev198: Update npc_templates.xml (Dredgion)
    rev197: Update npc_templates.xml and upload some levinshor dropfiles
    rev196: reworking of npc_drop.dat step 2, delete of old npcs (not considered in step 1)
    - overlooked because of other notation
    - 600050000_Katalam (393 npcs, 74.417 lines)
    - 600060000_Danaria (126 npcs, 12.839 lines)
    - 600070000_Idian_depths ( 1 npc, 19 lines)
    rev195: Stigma 4.8 Rework And fully Working equip unEquip stigma vision and edit the first vison for assassin
    rev194: small Fix
    rev193: modified all missing npc states
    rev192: reworking of npc_drop.dat, step 1, delete drops of old npcs
    - npcs taken from all spawn-files of (all subpathes):
    - 600020000_Sarpan.xml ( 726 npc, 349.593 Lines)
    - 600030000_Tiamaranta.xml ( 936 npc, 374.199 lines)
    - 600040000_Tiamaranta's_Eye.xml ( 71 npc, 26.899 lines)
    - 600050000_Katalam.xml ( 846 npc, 90.451 lines)
    - 600060000_Danaria.xml (1.287 npc, 100.153 lines)
    - 600070000_Idian_depths.xml ( 141 npc, 6.391 lines)
    rev191: Update NPC Drops
    rev190: Update Drop Templates (small Fix) and update Idian Depths Droplist
    - add Find and Replace Tool
    rev189: Drop Templates: sorted and added Lvl60, Lvl70 and Lvl70 Acient Manastones
    rev188: add sniffed Cygnea Drop File and add Drop Template Illusion_Godstones
    rev187: Old Stigmas should now moved to Inventory
    rev186: Removed StigmaSystem.patch & StigmaSystemV2.patch
    rev185: New Stigma Socket working (99%) (THX ever & killerxx) TODO + More see details (Important).
    - Socket + Vision Stigma working (Tested with Sorcerer)
    - Display Bug when remove Socket Stone's. They got moved in Inventory but they are stil displayed in socket untily you close socket dialog.
    - Updated Stigmas in ItemTemplate (PLS don't touch)
    - Updated SM_PLAYER_INFO + some other Packets
    rev184: New StigmaSystem patch TODO read details
    ItemTemplate update needed - console message while socketing (Stigma info missing for item: 140001180)
    + the old Bugs :(
    rev183: add more Drop Templates (Anima and Elemental Stones)
    rev182: Update npc_templates.xml (Siege Balaur Kaldor)
    - add Patch for Balaur Siege Kaldor
    rev181: Update npc_templates.xml (Invasion Kaldor)
    rev180: add Droplist Templates - Balaur Mats and Manastones
    rev179: upload TODO - Dropfile for kaldor (please help to integrate into the Emu)
    rev178: upload TODO - dropfiles
    rev177: modified npc-state to value 70 for knee
    - taken from 4.7.5
    - todo: new npcs must be checked
    rev176: modified npc-states to value 6 for sitting
    Copy to clipboard
    - taken from 4.7.5
    - todo: new npcs must be checked
    rev175: Update Kaldor Drops and upload TODO - dropfile
    rev174: Added Patch for Stigma System TODO but i cant
    - After relog Stigmas are Socket but invisible
    - If you Remove a Stigma it keeps shown in Socket but get moved to Inventory
    - Vision Stigma dosen't work
    rev173: Idian Depths Update (Finish Spawns and Portals)
    - add missing Portal Locations
    - remove wrong Walker Entry and replace it with correct Static ID
    rev172: Update for Idian Dephts
    - Spawn Files
    - goto Command
    - Portale and Teleport Location (Portal to Sacntum/Pandaemonium TODO)
    - full Drops (remove old Drops from drop.dat TODO)
    rev171: Reverted <item_templates.xml back to REV 33
    rev170: Added build_chatserver
    rev169: Added goodslist for NPC 805124 + see Details
    - Removed 2 wrong NPC's (Cygnea)
    - Fixed Ai's for Stigmamaster NPC's (They where POSTBOX :O )
    - 4 NPC now Attack dummy's (a litle to todo/fix)
    - Added some NPC skill's
    rev168: more Drops for Idian Dephts Monsters
    rev167: Small PS Fix for SM_LEGION_INFO
    rev166: Sry Falke here is the right file
    rev165: Updated PS SM_VERSION_CHECK
    rev164: Update SM_VERSION_CHECK + SM_L2AUTH_LOGIN_CHECK = Working Chat Server
    rev163: Added Chat for 4.8
    rev162: first Drops for Idian Dephts Monsters
    rev161: add sorted spawn Files for Idian_Depths (TODO and need Help)
    - 210090000_Idian_Depths.xml -> only NPCs
    - 220100000_Idian_Depths.xml -> only NPCs
    - Drops_Idian_Depths.xml -> empty Dropfile with alle Monsters (please Help to remove this IDs from drop.dat)
    - spawns_only Monsters_Idian_Depths.xml -> all Monsters for 210090000 and 220100000
    rev160: Update npc_templates.xml (Idian Dephts) + new full sniffed Spawn Files
    rev159: add permanent Portals to Idian Depths (not final)
    - 1x Cygnea and 1x Enshar (Offi Spawn Points)
    - sniff Kaldor and Levinshor Spawnpoints
    - make a Rift System for this Portals
    rev158: Update npc_templates.xml (Gelkmaros and Inggison Raid)
    rev157: Update npc_templates.xml and update Worldblessers Event and Alchemie Event
    rev156: Update npc_templates.xml (Abyss Raid)
    rev155: Add Stigma Enchant Dialog
    rev154: Added TradeList (805124-805126 Stigma) TODO GOODLISTS
    rev153: Update PS protocols/Game_4.8.x.xml
    rev152: Update TODO List
    rev151: updated world blesser AI
    rev150: update npc-state and added npc
    rev149: Update npc_templates.xml
    rev148: fix for quest 1127
    - added quest Npcs
    - removed comments for 4.7.5-fixes
    rev147: Update npc_templates.xml
    rev146: removed faulty inventory_items definitions for quests
    - removed ONLY, if identical collect_items defined
    - therefore 9174 lines where removed
    rev145: Update npc_templates.xml (Agent Fight/Sauro)
    rev144: add/update some AIs
    rev143: remove unused NPCs and add some missing NPCs (Pandaemonium)
    rev142: remove unused NPCs and add some missing NPCs (todo Walker Heiron and sitting NPCs)
    rev141: removed checking/adding stigma shards (item 141000001)
    (first step = only set as comment until it was tested later)
    rev140: removed item 141000001 (stigma shards)
    rev139: removed stigma shards from npc_drop.dat
    - removed item 141000001 (9028 definitions)
    - also removed
    - drop_groups for this items
    - npcs with no other drops
    - removed npcs without drop definitions (2 npcs)
    I have everything tested / checked and hope it is correct.
    rev138: Update npc_templates.xml (Idian Dephts and TF) and add spawns Idian Dephts
    rev137: fixed an syntax error (sorry)
    rev136: deleted drop of item 141000001 (stigma shards)
    (npc_drop.dat is following next)
    rev135: Update npc_templates.xml
    rev134: Update npc_templates.xml (Ishalgen and Altgard complete)
    rev133: Update npc_templates.xml
    rev132: First NPC attack's the Dummy's (PLS TEST) NPC 220186 (TODO Other NPC's + Clean up)
    rev131: Changed 1 NPC Ai + Ui for testing (guard on dummy attack) TODO NPC SKILLS
    rev130: PS Gather Exporter should work now (99.9%) without editing by hand (except RespawnTime) + see details.
    - Added RespawnTime to NpcSpawnExporter
    rev129: Reworked PS NpcGatherExporter now there is lesser to edit by hand (Maybe Falke or Lyras can fix the rest)
    rev128: Added some Gather in Cygnea
    rev127: Small optical Fix npc_skills.xml
    rev126: Updated npc_templates.xml
    rev125: added missing fixes from 4.7.5 to 4.8
    rev124: Quest handler fix + more info in details
    -Reverted changes in MonsterHuntData.java
    -Removed Quest 10023
    rev123: Updated quest_script_data for Quest 80213 and 80222
    rev122: Update npc_templates.xml and add Rentus Base Refuge Entrance
    rev121: Update npc_templates.xml and add Dragonspire Depths Entrance
    rev120: Updated Instance Entry System (from 4.7.5 Lyras)
    - cleanup
    rev119: Add some Quests and Spawn Fixes from 4.7.5 to 4.8 SVN (TODO Walker Heiron)
    rev118: Please use this Names -> Cygnea and Enshar, update npc_templates.xml
    rev117: Added Quest 10100 to Signia and reworked it
    rev116: Update npc_templates.xml and update OP-Code CM_UPGRADE_ARCADE
    rev115: update sm_player_stance
    rev114: Gameserver/Login working on EU!
    rev113: Update npc_templates.xml - bad AIs, add portal Entrys Raksang Ruins and Aturam
    rev112: Update npc_templates.xml
    rev111: Update npc_templates.xml
    rev110: Update npc_templates.xml
    rev109: add npc-template_TODO.xml to Gameserver and changed this in PS!
    rev108: add npc-template_TODO.xml to Gameserver and changed this in PS!
    - first part Aturam Sky Fortress and removed old Walker
    rev107: Add Aturam Sky Fortress TODO
    rev106: removed old Files and update goto Command
    rev105: Update npc_templates.xml
    rev104: reworked the Extraction from Items (thanks Lyras) -> only Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta and Epsilon Enchantment Stones comes out the Items (Retail 4.7.5 Feature) Please Test it and give Feedback!
    rev103: - Enchantmentstone update
    rev102: - Add stigmapatch
    rev101: Update OP-Code for Packet CM_HOUSE_TELEPORT_BACK
    rev100: More Skill Updates
    rev99: Update GM-Skills
    rev98: Update npc_templates.xml -> Aturam Sky Fortress
    rev97: Update npc_templates.xml and Update Lyras npc_templates_TODO.xml (now full working)
    rev96: Update npc_templates.xml
    rev95: Update npc_templates.xml
    rev94: Update PS protocols/Game_4.8.x.xml and npc_templates.xml
    rev93: Update decomposable_items.xml - Alle Eintrage von alten VZ Steinen entfernt und ersetzt durch "<random_item type="ENCHANTMENT"
    Update DecomposeAction.java - geandert das nur noch die 5 neuen VZ Steine aus den Bundeln kommen
    rev92: - Moved BaseConfig to own file
    Copy to clipboard
    - Fixed typo
    rev91: added to decomposable_items.xml:
    - Ceramium Ore
    - Katalium
    - Anarium
    - Opal Ore
    - Nolan Ore
    - Pakira Log
    - Pirian Log
    - Ancient Aether
    - Ide
    rev90: Update npc_templates.xml
    rev89: Update npc_templates.xml
    rev88: add OP-Codes for CM_Petition, CM_Fast_Track and CM_Fast_Track_Check
    - update PS Protocol
    rev87: Update PS - CM_FAST_TRACK_CHECK and CM_FAST_TRACK
    rev86: Update OP-Codes for CM_Gameguard and CM_File_Verifiy + added Packet CM_FILE_VERIFY @Alex
    rev85: update PS - Packet 0x101 is CM_FILE_VERIFY and 0x10B is CM_GAMEGUARD
    rev83: Opcode Update GAME + PS
    rev82: Updated a few Item Restrictions
    rev78: remove old Instances and Quests, add new quest_data.xml (TODO)
    - update npc_templates.xml (added AIs)
    rev77: Update npc_templates.xml
    rev76: Update npc_templates.xml
    rev75: added npc_teleporter.xml and teleport_location.xml to Gameserver (thanks Lyras)
    - update npc_templates.xml
    rev74: - Update of npc_templates
    rev73: - Added newly parsed npc_templates. Under construction!
    rev72: - Updated Bindpoints. Todo: prices for new bindpoints
    rev71: Update npc_templates.xml
    rev70: - Added quest_data. not finished yet
    rev69: - Updated Todolist
    rev68: - Finished npc_teleporter and locations
    rev67: update some static_data Files
    rev66: added Rift Exporter to PacketSamurai
    rev65: added goto Commands for new Maps (TODO)
    rev64: added Maps LF5_Ship/DF5_Ship and LDF5_Under_L/LDF5_Under_D
    rev63: added new Wolrd_Map and Zones, adde new Packets CM/SM_Stonespear_Siege(TODO)
    - removed old Spawn Files
    - removed Global Drops
    rev62: added some Parsers and Tools
    rev61: Uodate PS with new Packets
    rev60: - Update of teleport locations. Still somethings to do
    rev59: Update CM_PING_INGAME and PS protocols/Game_4.8.x.xml
    rev58: Update PS - SM_HOTSPOT_TELEPORT Packet
    rev57: Update PS Protocol and npc_template
    rev56: Update PS Protocol
    rev55: Update PS protocols/Game_4.8.x.xml and npc_templates.xml
    - update GS Rifts, Packets and npc_templates.xml
    rev54: Update Rifts, NPCs and Instance Exit
    rev53: Update for PS
    rev52: small update for Rifts
    rev51: - Updated missing Teleport data
    rev50: to rev49 (sorry)
    rev49: First part for new Rifts Cygnea and Enshar
    - some small fixes
    rev48: removed Maps/Quests/Sieges/Bases for 60002000,600030000,600040000,600050000,600060000
    - Siege not working (disabled by default)
    rev47: - Updated zones. Added Flags. Removed duplicates
    rev46: - Updated Zones with town_id and flags
    rev45: Update npc_template and move global_types.xsd and tribe_relations.xml to GameServer
    rev44: - Fixed Tribes
    rev43: - Added config for disabling/enabling bases
    rev42: - Added zones and zone enumeration for xsd
    rev41: - Added instances to world_maps.xml
    rev40: add tribe_relations.xml and update global_types.xsd (Todo)
    rev39: - Updated world_maps.xml
    TODO: fix AI
    rev38: - Added parsers
    rev37: Update item_multi_returns.xml, update npc_factions.xml and add temporar Teleporter (see Todo)
    rev36: Update staticdoor_templates.xml and npc_templates.xml
    rev35: Update GoTo and update npc_templates.xml
    rev34: update GoTo Command - removed some old Maps
    rev33: Update AdminCommand GoTo and added some Zones and Maps (TODO)
    - added 300610000_Raksang_Ruins.xml
    - added 300620000_Rentus_Base_Refuge.xml
    - added 300630000_Anguished_Dragon_Lords_Refuge.xml
    - added 301390000_Dragonspire_Depths.xml
    rev32: Update npc_templates.xml
    rev31: Update readme.textile (TODO List)
    rev30: Update npc_templates.xml (Poeta)
    rev29: Update Packets: CM_Craft, CM_Custom_Settings and CM_Restore_Character
    rev28: Update Packets: CM_Private_Store, CM_Private_Store_Name and CM_Tune
    rev27: Update Cygnea and Enshar
    rev26: added item_templates.xml (temporar, not final), now you can load the npc_template.xml
    rev25: update global_types.xsd with new TribeClass
    rev24: Update PacketSamurai -> npc_templates.xml
    rev23: - Updated passive skills for weapons and equipment
    rev22: - Packetsamurai now updated nameId and name
    rev21: Update PS
    rev20: added Packet CM_PLAY_MOVIE_END
    rev19: added Todod - parsed Files bind_points.xml and flypath_template.xml
    - added modified world_maps.xml
    rev18: Update PacketSamurai with NA Client Strings and npc_template for 4.8
    rev17: added new Maps and Zones for Cygnea and Enshar (temporar)
    - added Teleport from Sanctum and Pandaemonium to the new Maps (temporar)
    rev16: Updated Game_4.8.x.xml
    rev15: Updated AionPacketHandlerFactory
    rev14: Updated SM_L2AUTH_LOGIN_CHECK (I think Login works faster)
    rev13: Updated SM_VERSION_CHECK + AionPacketHandlerFactory
    rev12: Updated Skill_Templates.xml
    rev11: Update skill_tree.xml and AionPacketHandlerFactory (OP-Codes)
    - update PS
    rev10: update PS protocols/Game_4.8.x.xml (not final)
    rev9: Some Updates:
    - update flypath_template.xml to 4.8
    - update pet_skills.xml to 4.8
    - update player_titles.xml to 4.8
    - update ride.xml to 4.8
    - update skill_tree.xml to 4.8
    - update skill_charge.xml to 4.8
    - update PS Protocol
    rev8: no entrys
    rev7: no entrys
    rev6: small Updates
    - added 4.8 Universal NoIP
    rev5: Added AL-Game + TODO
    rev4: Added AL-Login
    rev3: Update Packets for 4.8
    rev2: Upload Aion 4.7.5 Core