Aion Core
AionServer-4.8 NA,EU
Rev: 465
Update: 27.05.2016
AC-Game - Rev.465
AC-Login - Rev.23
AC-Chat - Rev.20
- added some decombosables
- updated install sql, plus update folder
- added some quests and AI's (need to be checked if still actual)
- added drakenspire quests, edit NPCs, edit quest data
- modiefied some quest titles
- added
- some cleaning
- updated some quests items to include titles.
Fix for an issue where the player's GP was deducting from Daily/Weekly lose with no limit.. (meaning it goes below 0, and ends with people having -700 or -300 GP's and it doesn't stops)
~Added a check if the deducting value is less than zero, to set it as Zero. or deduct as normal..
- fixed character spawn after relog
- changed winter time to summer time GMT- fixed xml error in the static_data
- added more quest to fatebound_abbey and wisplight_abbey
Credits: felox = Thank you
- removed duplicate routes
- removed duplicate quests
- readded GMT Summertime for NA and EU