Aion Lightning 4.9 Full Source NO LICENSE SYSTEM / Tools + Utils
Автор: mcsnakes
Дата релиза: 14.06.2016
Ревизия: 1
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Open Source For Everyone! No time to lose dont wait for Aion-core/Falke-core and all other closed sources just join! We Searching For More Experienced Developers You Want To Join Or Dev-Team? add thesnakes on skype all others are welcome to!
Dont forget to give us a star
I've decided to open my Aion Lightning Source to the world.
Why because all sources are closed and people are asking a lot of money for sources
I think that by releasing this source more devolpers get the chance to work on it
italso means that things can be made much faster all people are welcome to join or team!
for more and faster updates! For more information check the github page!
People like aion-core / Encom / falke / they ripped me off putted me in a bad day light that day will be over! ! dont trust those guys thats all i can say!
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Dont wait just join!