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AionServer-4.9 (AionGer rev.353; компил) 2016-07-10


  1. Alenheym
    Revision: 353
    Update: 10.07.2016
    Client: 4.9

    AL-Game - rev.353
    AL-Chat - rev.72
    AL-Login - rev.72

    Website: Please login or register to view links

    This Emulator works only with Java 7: (search for jdk-7u51): Please login or register to view links

    This Emulator works only with the Gameforge 4.9 EU Client: Please login or register to view links

    - rework Reshanta (Spawns and Landing System)

    - add/write new Quests

    - finish some Instances
    - add new Instances

    - create/update Dropfiles for any Worlds

    Skills *new*:
    - we work on a skill_template Parser (90% done)

    Miols *new*:
    - new Miol Functions not work (Merchant and Buff with Aether Cherry)
    90% done but not implentet yet

    - finish Enchant/Amplification
    - rework Weapon and Armor Identify System *new*
    - Legionssystem on Cygnea and Enshar *new*
    - finish Stigma System
    added some Event Spawns Points
    Fixed many many Items who Crashed the Client
    Small update for SM_SIEGE_LOCATION_INFO
    Fixed Fountain Rewards
    update Levinshor and Cygnea Dropfile, update npc_template
    generating skill_templates.xml - part 8-7
    some Emu and PS data/spawns Gather Updates
    some PS data/spawns Updates
    updates for npc_template and item_template (add new Football Items)
    Update Event Spawns for Enshar, update Enshar Gather File, update Enshar Dropfiles
    Updated SM_SYSTEM_MESSAGE.java
    Ups small cleanup :D
    Fixed FierceSandmaneTigricAI2.java ;)
    added more AIs for Cygnea and Enshar, update Fierce Sandmane Tigric AI
    fix for generating npc_templates.xml, added "<kisk_stats..." line (thx frozenkiller)

    Sorry - for last rev
    Update Event Spawns for Cygnea, added Ai for Fierce Sandmane Tigric, update Cygnea Gather File, update Cygnea and Inggison Dropfiles
    fixed npcid for toypet in item_templates.xml (thx frozenkiller)
    update/add Levinshor Event Spawn Point and update Levinshor Gather File
    Disabled some PVP Checks to fix 0 Pointer Now enemy kisk's can be seen and attacked
    Updated SM_KISK_UPDATE
    PS Update (SM_KISK_UPDATE)
    I forget to remove the old Ai's (sry)
    Fixed some Event Ai's ( TODO Skill Template )
    small fixes
    Quests for Toy Festival Event *fixed sorry* and add Drop for Eventchest
    Quests for Toy Festival Event
    second Part for new Toy Festival Event (decomposables and first Kaldor Event Spawns)
    - Todo: Quest, Event Spawns in Kaldor, Levinshor, Cygnea and Enshar, the new AI
    first Part for new Toy Festival Event
    - Todo: Quest, Event Spawns in Kaldo, Levinshor, Cygnea and Enshar, the new AI and some decomposable Items
    Fixed Falke's LandingEnergyAI2 ;)
    generating skill_template.xml - part 8-6
    update npc_templates.xml and Reshanta Gather File
    generating skill_templates.xml - part 8-5

    update npc_templates.xml and Inggison Gather File
    generating skill_templates.xml - part 8-4
    PS Update SM_PET
    Reworked Quest 19600 ( Added Movie )
    generating skill_templates.xml - part 8-3 - added more effects (todo: 140 effects)
    added complete new Fatebound Abbey Portal Locations + Backup Files
    added complete new Wisplight Abbey Portal Locations (Fatebound Abbey Portals will follow)
    added Fatebound Abbey Quests (more in the next Days)
    Fixed Abbey System (Return User etc)
    added more Wisplight Abbey Quests (more in the next Days)
    added more Wisplight Abbey Quests (more in the next Days)
    added first 2 Wisplight Abbey Quests (more in the next Days)