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Website created for RealAion rev.398 2016-12-05


  1. Alenheym
    Website created for RealAion rev.398
    Author: Please login or register to view links
    SVN: Please login or register to view links

    • News
    • Subscribe / Login / Lost password
    • List characters ONLINE
    • Servers status (Login/Game/TS)
    • Vote system with a top voter
    • Item shop
    • Account Manager (List of characters, Unlock character, etc)
    • Allopass / Paypal
    • Weddings block
    • Full SEO (You can edit of course)
    • Translation (FR / EN)
    • (Add / Edit / Delete) news with Ckeditor
    • (Add / Edit / Delete) item in the shop
    • Download logs from the server
    • Edit pages (Team, Teamspeak, join-us, subscribe)
    • Add images on the slider
    • Seed notification to your users with pushbullet
    • Logs (Allopass / Paypal)
    • Search items or characters based on the name

    Capture d’écran 2016-08-27 à 12.08.46.jpg yD4R3n4.jpg

Пoследние рецензии

  1. ProjectFelicity
    Версия: 2016-12-05
    Thank you.
    Its a good revision