Okay thank you
I checked the task table and did not find any task ID exists(n)
The server will automatically shut down after 3 hours, how to delete this time
已经配置了球队分配,但是所有项目都无法获得正确的滚动信息,表明所有球员都放弃了 我检查了文件 如果(player.isInGroup2()|| player.isInAlliance2()){ for(玩家成员:dropNpc.getInRangePlayers()){...
Thanks to everyone who helped the German 5.8 project But he has a problem, there is a problem with the distance between the player and the...
may be? But I said that the test is complete and good, I bought it directly, but he did n’t have any reply information.
在这个论坛购买模拟器7.2,请确认自己真的有,不要像别的人,认为自己有,但却无法让人测:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:注意下面事项 1.模拟器完整 2.可以开启测试 3.最好能提供地理文件(不完整也可以) 4.价格1000美元 5.提供商城系统...
Tell me the price of 7.5, I will buy if it is suitable
If you have server 7.2-7.5, it is best to have source code, all functions are perfect, geographical date is complete, please bring your price, I...
Yes! !! It's true that not all versions can take effect, but I think any way to achieve it, so days client files! !! !! The test didn't work, so I...
[ATTACH] I try to add the server title <String> has been added <id> 903159 </ id> <name> STR_BTITLE_SERVER_AND_TITLE_RSS </ name> <body>...
Thank you
Assembly 5.8 There is a problem with the monster attack distance, which is twice the normal! !! !! Static data modification cannot be solved, how...
[ATTACH] The first one is before switching the map [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] After switching the map after the second Any good suggestions
I know, there is a problem that I still can't solve, can you give me a hint? Transforming candy. If you switch the map, all skills will be...
There are too many bugs in this version that need to be fixed. I need further clarification to make them complete. I'm glad to meet you in the...
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