Hi Vbox installed on Ubuntu 14.04 Installed PW 1.5.5v156 server. Server runs without error phpmyadmin, sql database installed. Client sees the...
Resolved. Thanks to clubheads!
Unfortunately, the other 5.1 SM_VERSION_CHECK is also written this way. The system time has already been set, but so the chat time will be -6 hours.
It works. The system time is now good. Chat time is reduced by -6 hours. Now this is an error.
I'm sorry, but I can't find your answer.
System time shows 6 hours more than real time Be lehet ezt állítani? Do you know a solution? Server: Mobius AionEmu 5.1 Could you help me? Thanks
Not good either. He won't let me in My SM_VERSION_CHECK.java: package com.aionemu.gameserver.network.aion.serverpackets; import...
I'll try. Thanks
Not work.
Server time cannot be set. Deviation + 6 Hour Could you help me? Thanks
Hi! I want to develop Mobius AionEmu 5.1. The following error could not be resolved: Map teleport does not work (HotSpot teleport) Error log:...
Fault: Apparently the Beritra Invasion starts, but it doesn't put down mobs, bosses,
Error log: 80 at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745) [na:1.7.0_95] 579 at...
Hi! Does Beritra Invasion work in Aion Core version 4.7? If so, how do I turn it on? Thanks
Hi! Error description: I put an item in the Broker and I take it out right away, after the next server restart, it will be sold and I will get...
My BrokerService.java
clean: [delete] Deleting directory f:\vSrever\AC-\Aion-4.7\AC-Game\build init: [mkdir] Created dir:...
Hi! Emu version The error is: The broker throws disconnect the server if I want to buy if there are more than 40 of that item. What...
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