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Сборка AionSuccess - -4.7.5.X (Сборка от yayaya rev.8)

Тема в разделе "Сборки серверов Aion 4.0-4.9", создана пользователем yayaya, 7 мар 2016.

  1. Offline


    Ну, не знаю... Мне даже нравится такой глюк (если это глюк). Возможность выбора. Ты можешь получить 500к или, при даблклике, плюшку какую-то). Там их просто наваливают штук 5, если не больше. Для х1 рейтов, конечно, 500к это огромные деньги на 5-10 лвл. Но, если рейты выше (да плюс премиум), то итем довольно бесполезный. Ну, по моему мнению, конечно)
  2. Offline

    Максим Олькин

    Вообще, судя по описанию от разработчика, этот айтем должен был в теории выдаваться конкретно на старте новичкам, не более. А так свитков всяких с плюшками, ивентов в сборке и так дочерта, так что тут уж сами разбирайтесь, что вам нужно.
  3. Offline


    Да это понятно. Просто мысли вслух :)
  4. Offline


    Вот, еще сейчас заметил, что не работает чат. Сервер в настройках включен. Запущен. Коннектится. Но при попытке что-то написать, появляется месседж, что я не состою ни в одном канале. Торговля/поиск группы и т.д. Где ковырять?
  5. Offline

    Максим Олькин

    А вот хрен его знает. Обнаружил то же самое, но с решением не заморачивался, скорее всего отсутствует реализация, либо что-то не так делаем.
  6. TopicStarter Overlay

    yayaya Ефрейтор Команда форума

    что то не так делаете. Сервер ушел далеко вперед до ревизии 179 - в которой не 1 исправление а целый ряд по 10-15...) которая сейчас в тесте, на 8 тоже работает чат сервер.
  7. Offline

    Егор Ещенко Рядовой

    Starting Aion-Core GameServer in PRODUCTION X2 mode.
    21:22:28.369 INFO [main]: - JavaAgent [Callback Support] is configured.
    =========================[ ===========CRON========== ]=========================
    21:22:28.446 INFO [main]: - Using default implementation for ThreadExecutor
    21:22:28.493 INFO [main]: - Initialized Scheduler Signaller of type: class org.quartz.core.SchedulerSignalerImpl
    21:22:28.493 INFO [main]: - Quartz Scheduler v.2.1.7 created.
    21:22:28.493 INFO [main]: - RAMJobStore initialized.
    21:22:28.493 INFO [main]: - Scheduler meta-data: Quartz Scheduler (v2.1.7) 'QuartzScheduler' with instanceId 'NON_CLUSTERED'
    Scheduler class: 'org.quartz.core.QuartzScheduler' - running locally.
    Currently in standby mode.
    Number of jobs executed: 0
    Using thread pool 'org.quartz.simpl.SimpleThreadPool' - with 1 threads.
    Using job-store 'org.quartz.simpl.RAMJobStore' - which does not support persistence. and is not clustered.

    21:22:28.493 INFO [main]: - Quartz scheduler 'QuartzScheduler' initialized from an externally provided properties instance.
    21:22:28.493 INFO [main]: - Quartz scheduler version: 2.1.7
    21:22:28.493 INFO [main]: - Scheduler QuartzScheduler_$_NON_CLUSTERED started.
    ========================[ ===========CONFIG========== ]========================
    21:22:28.493 INFO [main]: - Loading: mygs.properties
    21:22:28.493 INFO [main]: - No override properties found
    ===============================[ ADMINISTRATION ]===============================
    21:22:28.618 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/administration/admin.properties
    21:22:28.618 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/administration/developer.properties
    ====================================[ MAIN ]====================================
    21:22:29.181 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/broker.properties
    21:22:29.181 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/returnscrolls.properties
    21:22:29.181 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/ai.properties
    21:22:29.196 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/autogroup.properties
    21:22:29.196 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/commons.properties
    21:22:29.196 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/cache.properties
    21:22:29.196 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/cleaning.properties
    21:22:29.196 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/craft.properties
    21:22:29.215 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/custom.properties
    21:22:29.215 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/drop.properties
    21:22:29.215 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/enchants.properties
    21:22:29.215 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/events.properties
    21:22:29.228 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/eventsystem.properties
    21:22:29.228 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/falldamage.properties
    21:22:29.228 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/fasttrack.properties
    21:22:29.228 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/gameserver.properties
    21:22:29.243 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/geodata.properties
    21:22:29.243 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/group.properties
    21:22:29.243 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/housing.properties
    21:22:29.243 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/html.properties
    21:22:29.259 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/ingameshop.properties
    21:22:29.275 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/legion.properties
    21:22:29.275 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/logging.properties
    21:22:29.275 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/membership.properties
    21:22:29.275 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/name.properties
    21:22:29.290 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/periodicsave.properties
    21:22:29.290 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/playertransfer.properties
    21:22:29.290 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/prices.properties
    21:22:29.290 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/punishment.properties
    21:22:29.290 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/ranking.properties
    21:22:29.306 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/rates.properties
    21:22:29.306 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/security.properties
    21:22:29.306 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/shutdown.properties
    21:22:29.323 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/siege.properties
    21:22:29.323 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/thread.properties
    21:22:29.323 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/weddings.properties
    21:22:29.323 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/wordfilter.properties
    21:22:29.323 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/world.properties
    ==================================[ NETWORK ]==================================
    21:22:29.353 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/network/database.properties
    21:22:29.369 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/network/network.properties
    ========================[ =========================== ]========================
    ========================[ ==========DATABASE========= ]========================
    21:22:30.306 INFO [main]: - Successfully connected to database
    21:22:35.884 INFO [main]: - Loaded 54 DAO implementations.
    ========================[ =========================== ]========================
    ========================[ ==========THREADS========== ]========================
    21:22:35.915 INFO [main]: - ThreadPoolManager: Initialized with 12 scheduler, 6 instant, 0 long running, and forking 0 thread(s).
    ========================[ =========================== ]========================
    ========================[ ===========DATA============ ]========================
    21:22:35.946 INFO [Thread-9]: - Server command processor thread started
    21:22:36.056 INFO [main]: - IDFactory: 1 id's used.
    21:22:36.056 INFO [main]: - Loading Static Data...
    21:23:12.427 INFO [main]: - MotionLoggingService started.
    21:23:17.090 INFO [main]: - Loaded 186 world maps
    21:23:17.090 INFO [main]: - Loaded 35 material ids
    21:23:17.090 INFO [main]: - Loaded 29 weather maps
    21:23:17.090 INFO [main]: - Loaded 66 levels
    21:23:17.105 INFO [main]: - Loaded 698 player stat templates
    21:23:17.105 INFO [main]: - Loaded 406 summon stat templates
    21:23:17.105 INFO [main]: - Loaded 1 item cleanup entries
    21:23:17.105 INFO [main]: - Loaded 98520 item templates
    21:23:17.105 INFO [main]: - Loaded 463 item bonus templates
    21:23:17.105 INFO [main]: - Loaded 4764 bonus item group templates
    21:23:17.105 INFO [main]: - Loaded 786 pet food items
    21:23:17.105 INFO [main]: - Loaded 59197 npc templates
    21:23:17.105 INFO [main]: - Loaded 12 system mail templates
    21:23:17.105 INFO [main]: - Loaded 4054 npc shout templates
    21:23:17.105 INFO [main]: - Loaded 215 pet templates
    21:23:17.105 INFO [main]: - Loaded 33 food flavours
    21:23:17.105 INFO [main]: - Loaded 31 pet doping templates
    21:23:17.105 INFO [main]: - Loaded 6 initial player templates
    21:23:17.105 INFO [main]: - Loaded 1896 trade lists
    21:23:17.105 INFO [main]: - Loaded 343 npc teleporter templates
    21:23:17.105 INFO [main]: - Loaded 360 teleport locations
    21:23:17.105 INFO [main]: - Loaded 11512 skill templates
    21:23:17.105 INFO [main]: - Loaded 294 motion times
    21:23:17.105 INFO [main]: - Loaded 13166 skill learn entries
    21:23:17.105 INFO [main]: - Loaded 9 cube expand entries
    21:23:17.105 INFO [main]: - Loaded 160 warehouse expand entries
    21:23:17.105 INFO [main]: - Loaded 119 bind point entries
    21:23:17.105 INFO [main]: - Loaded 7891 quest data entries
    21:23:17.105 INFO [main]: - Loaded 756 gatherable entries
    21:23:17.105 INFO [main]: - Loaded 286 title entries
    21:23:17.105 INFO [main]: - Loaded 9102 walker routes
    21:23:17.105 INFO [main]: - Loaded 12 walker group variants
    21:23:17.105 INFO [main]: - Loaded 4434 zone entries
    21:23:17.105 INFO [main]: - Loaded 2978 goodslist entries
    21:23:17.105 INFO [main]: - Loaded 656 tribe relation entries
    21:23:17.105 INFO [main]: - Loaded 12485 recipe entries
    21:23:17.105 INFO [main]: - Loaded 601 chest locations
    21:23:17.105 INFO [main]: - Loaded 84 static door locations
    21:23:17.122 INFO [main]: - Loaded 507 item set entries
    21:23:17.122 INFO [main]: - Loaded 18 npc factions
    21:23:17.122 INFO [main]: - Loaded 12040 npc skill list entries
    21:23:17.122 INFO [main]: - Loaded 22 pet skill list entries
    21:23:17.137 INFO [main]: - Loaded 87 siege location entries
    21:23:17.137 INFO [main]: - Loaded 2 vortex entries
    21:23:17.137 INFO [main]: - Loaded 36 rift entries
    21:23:17.137 INFO [main]: - Loaded 70 fly ring entries
    21:23:17.137 INFO [main]: - Loaded 13 shield entries
    21:23:17.137 INFO [main]: - Loaded 215 pet entries
    21:23:17.137 INFO [main]: - Loaded 12 guide entries
    21:23:17.137 INFO [main]: - Loaded 18 road entries
    21:23:17.152 INFO [main]: - Loaded 119 instance cooltime entries
    21:23:17.152 INFO [main]: - Loaded 2496 decomposable items entries
    21:23:17.152 INFO [main]: - Loaded 71 ai templates
    21:23:17.152 INFO [main]: - Loaded 275 flypath templates
    21:23:17.152 INFO [main]: - Loaded 10 windstream entries
    21:23:17.152 INFO [main]: - Loaded 24 assembled npcs entries
    21:23:17.152 INFO [main]: - Loaded 366 cosmetic items entries
    21:23:17.152 INFO [main]: - Loaded 104 auto group entries
    21:23:17.152 INFO [main]: - Loaded 164 spawn maps entries
    21:23:17.152 INFO [main]: - Loaded 2 active events
    21:23:17.152 INFO [main]: - Loaded 65 skill panel entries
    21:23:17.152 INFO [main]: - Loaded 16 instance Buffs entries
    21:23:17.152 INFO [main]: - Loaded 1447 housing object entries
    21:23:17.168 INFO [main]: - Loaded 57 ride info entries
    21:23:17.168 INFO [main]: - Loaded 138 instance exit entries
    21:23:17.168 INFO [main]: - Loaded 506 portal loc entries
    21:23:17.168 INFO [main]: - Loaded 553 portal templates2 entries
    21:23:17.168 INFO [main]: - Loaded 20 housing lands
    21:23:17.168 INFO [main]: - Loaded 10 house building styles
    21:23:17.168 INFO [main]: - Loaded 265 house parts
    21:23:17.168 INFO [main]: - Loaded 3096 house spawns
    21:23:17.168 INFO [main]: - Loaded 19 house default scripts
    21:23:17.168 INFO [main]: - Loaded 10 curing Objects entries
    21:23:17.168 INFO [main]: - Loaded 88 assembly items entries
    21:23:17.168 INFO [main]: - Loaded 120 challenge tasks entries
    21:23:17.183 INFO [main]: - Loaded 2951 town spawns
    21:23:17.183 INFO [main]: - Loaded 24 abyss race bonus entries
    21:23:17.183 INFO [main]: - Loaded 94 skill charge entries
    21:23:17.183 INFO [main]: - Loaded 1813 item purifications entries
    21:23:17.183 INFO [main]: - Loaded 56 decomposable select data
    21:23:17.183 INFO [main]: - Loaded 54 item enchant data
    21:23:17.183 INFO [main]: - Loaded 49 item enchant tables
    21:23:17.183 INFO [main]: - Loaded 73 hotspot templates
    21:23:17.183 INFO [main]: - Loaded 4 arcade upgrade entries
    21:23:17.183 INFO [main]: - Loaded 394 atreian passports
    21:23:17.183 INFO [main]: - Loaded 3 serial killer entries
    21:23:17.183 INFO [main]: - Loaded 63 base entries
    21:23:17.199 INFO [main]: - Loaded 56 beritra invasion entries
    21:23:17.199 INFO [main]: - Loaded 39 absolute stat templates
    21:23:17.199 INFO [main]: - Loaded 72 robot armor entries
    21:23:17.199 INFO [main]: - Loaded 7 multi returns items
    21:23:17.199 INFO [main]: - Loaded 3288 custom npc drop data
    21:23:17.199 INFO [main]: - Loaded 12 battleground templates
    21:23:18.028 INFO [main]: - Drop loader: Npc drops loading done.
    21:23:18.028 INFO [main]: - ##### [Static Data loaded in: 41 seconds] #####
    ========================[ =========================== ]========================
    ========================[ ===========WORLD=========== ]========================
    21:23:18.074 INFO [main]: - Loading Zone Engine...
    21:23:18.731 INFO [main]: - Loaded 5 zone handlers.
    21:23:18.731 INFO [main]: - Configured Geo type: GEO_MESHES
    21:23:18.746 INFO [main]: - Loading meshes..
    21:23:24.861 INFO [main]: - Loading geo maps..
    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Done.
    21:23:48.993 WARN [main]: - Some maps were not loaded correctly and reverted to dummy implementation:
    21:23:49.009 WARN [main]: - [210070000, 210080000, 220080000, 220090000, 301380000, 301390000, 301500000, 900150000, 900220000]
    21:23:49.009 INFO [main]: - Geodata: 186 geo maps loaded!
    21:23:54.380 INFO [main]: - World: 186 worlds map created.
    ========================[ =========================== ]========================
    ========================[ ==========CLEANING========= ]========================
    ========================[ =========================== ]========================
    ========================[ ==========ENGINES========== ]========================
    21:23:54.411 INFO [InstantPool-1]: - Quest engine load started
    21:23:54.411 INFO [InstantPool-2]: - Instance engine load started
    21:23:54.411 INFO [InstantPool-5]: - AI2 engine load started
    21:24:01.178 INFO [InstantPool-2]: - Loaded 86 instance handlers.
    21:24:01.239 WARN [InstantPool-2]: - class com.aionemu.gameserver.GameServer$1 - execution time: 6831msec
    21:24:03.544 INFO [InstantPool-6]: - Loaded 0 announcements
    21:24:03.544 WARN [InstantPool-6]: - class com.aionemu.gameserver.utils.chathandlers.ChatProcessor$1 - execution time: 9164msec
    21:24:06.989 WARN [InstantPool-3]: - class com.aionemu.gameserver.GameServer$1 - execution time: 12608msec
    21:24:06.989 WARN [InstantPool-4]: - class com.aionemu.gameserver.utils.chathandlers.ChatProcessor$1 - execution time: 12603msec
    21:24:16.802 INFO [InstantPool-5]: - Loaded 562 ai handlers.
    21:24:17.036 WARN [InstantPool-5]: - Bad AI names: stormwing
    21:24:17.036 WARN [InstantPool-5]: - class com.aionemu.gameserver.GameServer$1 - execution time: 22682msec
    21:24:32.038 INFO [InstantPool-1]: - Loaded 6665 quest handlers.
    ========================[ =========================== ]========================
    ========================[ =========LOCATIONS========= ]========================
    21:24:32.038 WARN [InstantPool-1]: - class com.aionemu.gameserver.GameServer$1 - execution time: 37677msec
    21:24:32.038 INFO [main]: - Loading Bases...
    21:24:32.038 INFO [main]: - Loaded 63 bases.
    21:24:32.055 INFO [main]: - Loading Beritra Invasions...
    21:24:32.134 INFO [main]: - Loaded 56 Beritra Invasions.
    21:24:32.477 INFO [main]: - Loading Siege Locations...
    21:24:32.524 INFO [main]: - Loaded 87 siege locations
    21:24:32.524 INFO [main]: - Loading Vortex Locations...
    21:24:32.524 INFO [main]: - Loaded 2vortex locations
    21:24:32.540 INFO [main]: - Loading Rift Locations...
    21:24:32.540 INFO [main]: - Loaded 36 rift locations
    ========================[ =========================== ]========================
    ========================[ ==========SPAWNS=========== ]========================
    21:24:32.728 INFO [main]: - Spawned 110010000 [1] : 353
    21:24:32.791 INFO [main]: - Loading housing data...
    21:24:32.791 INFO [main]: - Housing Service loaded.
    21:24:32.822 INFO [main]: - Spawned 110020000 [1] : 34
    21:24:32.884 INFO [main]: - Spawned 110070000 [1] : 70
    21:24:32.947 INFO [main]: - Spawned 120010000 [1] : 416
    21:24:32.978 INFO [main]: - Spawned 120020000 [1] : 106
    21:24:33.025 INFO [main]: - Spawned 130090000 [1] : 20
    21:24:33.025 INFO [main]: - Spawned 140010000 [1] : 20
    21:24:33.041 INFO [main]: - Spawned 120080000 [1] : 69
    21:24:33.282 INFO [main]: - Spawned 210010000 [1] : 1149
    21:24:33.370 INFO [main]: - Spawned 210010000 [2] : 1149
    21:24:33.433 INFO [main]: - Spawned 210010000 [3] : 1149
    21:24:33.466 INFO [main]: - Spawned 210010000 [4] : 1149
    21:24:33.511 INFO [main]: - Spawned 210010000 [5] : 1149
    21:24:33.589 INFO [main]: - Spawned 210010000 [6] : 1149
    21:24:33.652 INFO [main]: - Spawned 210010000 [7] : 1149
    21:24:33.903 WARN [main]: - Incorrect pool for route: DBAA921C50A5BC37C02E4932DD9E16AD1FDC55A9
    21:24:33.918 WARN [main]: - Invalid row sizes for walk cluster DBAA921C50A5BC37C02E4932DD9E16AD1FDC55A9
    21:24:33.918 INFO [main]: - Spawned 210020000 [1] : 6735
    21:24:34.232 INFO [main]: - Spawned 210020000 [2] : 6735
    21:24:34.419 INFO [main]: - Spawned 210020000 [3] : 6735
    21:24:34.561 INFO [main]: - Spawned 210020000 [4] : 6735
    21:24:34.701 INFO [main]: - Spawned 210020000 [5] : 6735
    21:24:34.921 INFO [main]: - Spawned 210020000 [6] : 6735
    21:24:34.983 INFO [main]: - Spawned 210030000 [1] : 2916
    21:24:35.083 INFO [main]: - Spawned 210030000 [2] : 2916
    21:24:35.162 INFO [main]: - Spawned 210030000 [3] : 2916
    21:24:35.757 INFO [main]: - Spawned 210030000 [4] : 2916
    21:24:35.835 INFO [main]: - Spawned 210030000 [5] : 2916
    21:24:35.961 INFO [main]: - Spawned 210040000 [1] : 8530
    21:24:36.056 INFO [main]: - Spawned houses 210040000 [1] : 9
    21:24:36.352 INFO [main]: - Spawned 210040000 [2] : 8530
    21:24:36.352 INFO [main]: - Spawned houses 210040000 [2] : 9
    21:24:36.609 INFO [main]: - Spawned 210040000 [3] : 8530
    21:24:36.618 INFO [pool-2-thread-12]: - PacketBroadcaster: Initialized.
    21:24:36.618 INFO [pool-2-thread-12]: - Init Packet Broadcaster...
    21:24:36.634 INFO [main]: - Spawned houses 210040000 [3] : 9
    21:24:36.869 INFO [main]: - Spawned 210040000 [4] : 8530
    21:24:36.869 INFO [main]: - Spawned houses 210040000 [4] : 9
    21:24:37.166 INFO [main]: - Spawned 210050000 [1] : 8673
    21:24:37.182 INFO [main]: - Spawned houses 210050000 [1] : 6
    21:24:37.448 INFO [main]: - Spawned 210060000 [1] : 7877
    21:24:37.573 INFO [main]: - Spawned 210060000 [2] : 7877
    21:24:38.747 INFO [main]: - Spawned 210060000 [3] : 7877
    21:24:38.747 INFO [main]: - Spawned 210070000 [1] : 0
    21:24:38.747 INFO [main]: - Spawned 210080000 [1] : 0
    21:24:38.825 WARN [main]: - Incorrect pool for route: ECD35392880296EA481B5A579EBAB14A5BFE04D0
    21:24:38.825 WARN [main]: - Invalid row sizes for walk cluster ECD35392880296EA481B5A579EBAB14A5BFE04D0
    21:24:38.843 INFO [main]: - Spawned 220010000 [1] : 1487
    21:24:38.872 INFO [main]: - Spawned 220010000 [2] : 1487
    21:24:38.919 INFO [main]: - Spawned 220010000 [3] : 1487
    21:24:38.950 INFO [main]: - Spawned 220010000 [4] : 1487
    21:24:39.013 INFO [main]: - Spawned 220010000 [5] : 1487
    21:24:39.061 INFO [main]: - Spawned 220010000 [6] : 1487
    21:24:39.097 INFO [main]: - Spawned 220010000 [7] : 1487
    21:24:39.295 INFO [main]: - Spawned 220020000 [1] : 7736
    21:24:39.498 INFO [main]: - Spawned 220020000 [2] : 7736
    21:24:39.655 INFO [main]: - Spawned 220020000 [3] : 7736
    21:24:39.858 INFO [main]: - Spawned 220020000 [4] : 7736
    21:24:40.046 INFO [main]: - Spawned 220020000 [5] : 7736
    21:24:40.202 INFO [main]: - Spawned 220020000 [6] : 7736
    21:24:40.297 INFO [main]: - Spawned 220030000 [1] : 3295
    21:24:40.375 INFO [main]: - Spawned 220030000 [2] : 3295
    21:24:40.515 INFO [main]: - Spawned 220030000 [3] : 3295
    21:24:40.567 INFO [main]: - Spawned 220030000 [4] : 3295
    21:24:40.641 INFO [main]: - Spawned 220030000 [5] : 3295
    21:24:42.143 INFO [main]: - Spawned 220040000 [1] : 8482
    21:24:42.237 INFO [main]: - Spawned houses 220040000 [1] : 9
    21:24:42.440 INFO [main]: - Spawned 220040000 [2] : 8482
    21:24:42.440 INFO [main]: - Spawned houses 220040000 [2] : 9
    21:24:42.641 INFO [main]: - Spawned 220040000 [3] : 8482
    21:24:42.656 INFO [main]: - Spawned houses 220040000 [3] : 9
    21:24:42.829 INFO [main]: - Spawned 220040000 [4] : 8482
    21:24:42.859 INFO [main]: - Spawned houses 220040000 [4] : 9
    21:24:43.016 INFO [main]: - Spawned 220050000 [1] : 8683
    21:24:43.204 INFO [main]: - Spawned 220050000 [2] : 8683
    21:24:43.344 INFO [main]: - Spawned 220050000 [3] : 8683
    21:24:43.579 WARN [main]: - Incorrect pool for route: 30AE9FAADF71BF5E93BFB6EAFB9342C7C43A9959
    21:24:43.579 WARN [main]: - Invalid row sizes for walk cluster 30AE9FAADF71BF5E93BFB6EAFB9342C7C43A9959
    21:24:43.596 INFO [main]: - Spawned 220070000 [1] : 8357
    21:24:43.610 INFO [main]: - Spawned houses 220070000 [1] : 6
    21:24:43.626 INFO [main]: - Spawned 220080000 [1] : 0
    21:24:43.626 INFO [main]: - Spawned 220090000 [1] : 0
    21:24:43.626 INFO [main]: - Spawned 300010000 [1] : 79
    21:24:43.642 INFO [main]: - Spawned 300020000 [1] : 0
    21:24:43.673 INFO [main]: - Spawned 300290000 [1] : 0
    21:24:43.673 INFO [main]: - Spawned 301380000 [1] : 0
    21:24:43.704 INFO [main]: - Spawned 301390000 [1] : 0
    21:24:43.704 INFO [main]: - Spawned 301500000 [1] : 0
    21:24:43.704 INFO [main]: - Spawned 320060000 [1] : 0
    21:24:43.704 INFO [main]: - Spawned 330010010 [1] : 0
    21:24:43.876 ERROR[main]: - [AI2] AI factory error: stormwing
    java.lang.NullPointerException: null
    at com.aionemu.gameserver.ai2.AI2Engine.setupAI(Unknown Source) [AC-Game.jar:na]
    at com.aionemu.gameserver.model.gameobjects.Npc.<init>(Unknown Source) [AC-Game.jar:na]
    at com.aionemu.gameserver.model.gameobjects.Npc.<init>(Unknown Source) [AC-Game.jar:na]
    at com.aionemu.gameserver.spawnengine.VisibleObjectSpawner.spawnNpc(Unknown Source) [AC-Game.jar:na]
    at com.aionemu.gameserver.spawnengine.SpawnEngine.getSpawnedObject(Unknown Source) [AC-Game.jar:na]
    at com.aionemu.gameserver.spawnengine.SpawnEngine.spawnObject(Unknown Source) [AC-Game.jar:na]
    at com.aionemu.gameserver.spawnengine.SpawnEngine.spawnInstance(Unknown Source) [AC-Game.jar:na]
    at com.aionemu.gameserver.spawnengine.SpawnEngine.spawnInstance(Unknown Source) [AC-Game.jar:na]
    at com.aionemu.gameserver.spawnengine.SpawnEngine.spawnBasedOnTemplate(Unknown Source) [AC-Game.jar:na]
    at com.aionemu.gameserver.spawnengine.SpawnEngine.spawnAll(Unknown Source) [AC-Game.jar:na]
    at com.aionemu.gameserver.GameServer.main(Unknown Source) [AC-Game.jar:na]
    21:24:43.923 INFO [main]: - Spawned 400010000 [1] : 10228
    21:24:43.955 INFO [main]: - Spawned 400020000 [1] : 617
    21:24:43.955 INFO [main]: - Spawned 400030000 [1] : 36
    21:24:44.002 INFO [main]: - Spawned 400040000 [1] : 963
    21:24:44.017 INFO [main]: - Spawned 400050000 [1] : 963
    21:24:44.049 INFO [main]: - Spawned 400060000 [1] : 961
    21:24:44.064 INFO [main]: - Spawned 510010000 [1] : 1
    21:24:44.064 INFO [main]: - Spawned 520010000 [1] : 1
    21:24:44.064 INFO [main]: - Spawned 600010000 [1] : 394
    21:24:44.080 INFO [main]: - Spawned static doors: 600020000 [1] : 3
    21:24:46.579 INFO [main]: - Spawned 600020000 [1] : 5658
    21:24:46.626 INFO [main]: - Spawned static doors: 600020000 [2] : 3
    21:24:46.814 INFO [main]: - Spawned 600020000 [2] : 5658
    21:24:46.830 INFO [main]: - Spawned static doors: 600020000 [3] : 3
    21:24:46.940 INFO [main]: - Spawned 600020000 [3] : 5658
    21:24:46.940 INFO [main]: - Spawned static doors: 600030000 [1] : 1
    21:24:47.111 INFO [main]: - MoveTaskManager: Initialized.
    21:24:47.628 INFO [main]: - Spawned 600030000 [1] : 7652
    21:24:47.628 INFO [main]: - Spawned 600040000 [1] : 819
    21:24:47.785 INFO [main]: - Spawned 600050000 [1] : 7188
    21:24:47.926 INFO [main]: - Spawned 600060000 [1] : 7757
    21:24:47.958 INFO [main]: - Spawned 600070000 [1] : 848
    21:24:47.958 INFO [main]: - Spawned 600080000 [1] : 4
    21:24:47.989 INFO [main]: - Spawned 600090000 [1] : 2258
    21:24:48.020 INFO [main]: - Spawned 600100000 [1] : 2613
    21:24:48.067 INFO [main]: - Spawned 700010000 [1] : 1756
    21:24:48.709 INFO [main]: - Spawned houses 700010000 [1] : 500
    21:24:48.726 INFO [main]: - Spawned 700020000 [1] : 0
    21:24:48.756 INFO [main]: - Spawned 710010000 [1] : 1541
    21:24:49.210 INFO [main]: - Spawned houses 710010000 [1] : 500
    21:24:49.210 INFO [main]: - Spawned 710020000 [1] : 0
    21:24:49.210 INFO [main]: - Spawned 900020000 [1] : 0
    21:24:49.210 INFO [main]: - Spawned 900020000 [2] : 0
    21:24:49.226 INFO [main]: - Spawned 900020000 [3] : 0
    21:24:49.226 INFO [main]: - Spawned 900020000 [4] : 0
    21:24:49.226 INFO [main]: - Spawned 900020000 [5] : 0
    21:24:49.226 INFO [main]: - Spawned 900020000 [6] : 0
    21:24:49.226 INFO [main]: - Spawned 900020000 [7] : 0
    21:24:49.226 INFO [main]: - Spawned 900020000 [8] : 0
    21:24:49.226 INFO [main]: - Spawned 900020000 [9] : 0
    21:24:49.226 INFO [main]: - Spawned 900020000 [10] : 0
    21:24:49.226 INFO [main]: - Spawned 900020000 [11] : 0
    21:24:49.226 INFO [main]: - Spawned 900030000 [1] : 131
    21:24:49.226 INFO [main]: - Spawned 900030000 [2] : 131
    21:24:49.226 INFO [main]: - Spawned 900100000 [1] : 74
    21:24:49.226 INFO [main]: - Spawned 900110000 [1] : 0
    21:24:49.241 INFO [main]: - Spawned 900120000 [1] : 0
    21:24:49.241 INFO [main]: - Spawned 900130000 [1] : 0
    21:24:49.241 INFO [main]: - Spawned 900140000 [1] : 0
    21:24:49.241 INFO [main]: - Spawned 900150000 [1] : 0
    21:24:49.241 INFO [main]: - Spawned 900170000 [1] : 0
    21:24:49.241 INFO [main]: - Spawned 900180000 [1] : 0
    21:24:49.241 INFO [main]: - Spawned 900190000 [1] : 0
    21:24:49.241 INFO [main]: - Spawned 900200000 [1] : 0
    21:24:49.241 INFO [main]: - Spawned 900220000 [1] : 1
    21:24:49.648 INFO [main]: - Loaded 264406 npc spawns
    21:24:49.648 INFO [main]: - Loaded 60907 gatherable spawns
    21:24:49.648 INFO [main]: - Init Rifts...
    21:24:51.742 INFO [pool-2-thread-8]: - Spawning Instance Rift: IndratuFortress
    21:24:52.368 ERROR[main]: - Critical Error - Thread: main terminated abnormaly: java.lang.NullPointerException
    java.lang.NullPointerException: null
    at com.aionemu.gameserver.model.templates.spawns.TemporarySpawn.getTime(Unknown Source) ~[AC-Game.jar:na]
    at com.aionemu.gameserver.model.templates.spawns.TemporarySpawn.geSpawnHour(Unknown Source) ~[AC-Game.jar:na]
    at com.aionemu.gameserver.model.templates.spawns.TemporarySpawn.canSpawn(Unknown Source) ~[AC-Game.jar:na]
    at com.aionemu.gameserver.spawnengine.TemporarySpawnEngine.spawn(Unknown Source) ~[AC-Game.jar:na]
    at com.aionemu.gameserver.spawnengine.TemporarySpawnEngine.spawnAll(Unknown Source) ~[AC-Game.jar:na]
    at com.aionemu.gameserver.GameServer.main(Unknown Source) ~[AC-Game.jar:na]

    вот такой вот трабл в чем косяк?
    Последнее редактирование модератором: 24 ноя 2017
  8. Offline

    klubheads Сержант Команда форума Модератор

    Попробуй памяти больше серверу выделить.
  9. Offline

    Егор Ещенко Рядовой

    Вылетает при коннекте с дб Login server

    Starting Aion Lightning Login Server in mode.
    Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 8999
    20:01:41.457 INFO [main]: - Using default implementation for ThreadExecutor
    20:01:41.489 INFO [main]: - Initialized Scheduler Signaller of type: class org.quartz.core.SchedulerSignalerImpl
    20:01:41.489 INFO [main]: - Quartz Scheduler v.2.1.7 created.
    20:01:41.489 INFO [main]: - RAMJobStore initialized.
    20:01:41.489 INFO [main]: - Scheduler meta-data: Quartz Scheduler (v2.1.7) 'QuartzScheduler' with instanceId 'NON_CLUSTERED'
    Scheduler class: 'org.quartz.core.QuartzScheduler' - running locally.
    Currently in standby mode.
    Number of jobs executed: 0
    Using thread pool 'org.quartz.simpl.SimpleThreadPool' - with 1 threads.
    Using job-store 'org.quartz.simpl.RAMJobStore' - which does not support persistence. and is not clustered.

    20:01:41.489 INFO [main]: - Quartz scheduler 'QuartzScheduler' initialized from an externally provided properties instance.
    20:01:41.489 INFO [main]: - Quartz scheduler version: 2.1.7
    20:01:41.489 INFO [main]: - Scheduler QuartzScheduler_$_NON_CLUSTERED started.
    20:01:41.489 INFO [main]: - 2017-11-22 20-01-41
    20:01:41.489 INFO [main]: - Loading: myls.properties
    20:01:41.489 INFO [main]: - No override properties found
    20:01:41.504 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/network/network.properties
    20:01:41.551 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/network/commons.properties
    20:01:41.551 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/network/database.properties
    20:01:42.036 INFO [main]: - Successfully connected to database
    An exception has occurred in the compiler (compiler message file broken: key=compiler.misc.version.resource.missing arguments=1.8.0_151, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6}, {7}). Please file a bug at the Java Developer Connection (Please login or register to view links) after checking the Bug Parade for duplicates. Include your program and the following diagnostic in your report. Thank you.
    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: File C:\AionServer- (╨б╨▒╨╛╤А╨║╨░ ╨╛╤В yayaya rev.8; ╨║╨╛╨╝╨┐╨╕╨╗)\YA-Login\libs\ac-commons-1.3.jar is not valid jar file
    at com.aionemu.commons.utils.ClassUtils.getClassNamesFromJarFile(ClassUtils.java:171)
    at com.aionemu.commons.scripting.ScriptClassLoader.addJarFile(ScriptClassLoader.java:107)
    at com.aionemu.commons.scripting.impl.javacompiler.ScriptClassLoaderImpl.getClassesForPackage(ScriptClassLoaderImpl.java:144)
    at com.aionemu.commons.scripting.impl.javacompiler.ClassFileManager.list(ClassFileManager.java:179)
    at com.sun.tools.javac.jvm.ClassReader.fillIn(ClassReader.java:2133)
    at com.sun.tools.javac.jvm.ClassReader.complete(ClassReader.java:1790)
    at com.sun.tools.javac.code.Symbol.complete(Symbol.java:404)
    at com.sun.tools.javac.code.Symbol$PackageSymbol.flags(Symbol.java:642)
    at com.sun.tools.javac.comp.Attr.checkId(Attr.java:2171)
    at com.sun.tools.javac.comp.Attr.visitIdent(Attr.java:1826)
    at com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree$JCIdent.accept(JCTree.java:1676)
    at com.sun.tools.javac.comp.Attr.attribTree(Attr.java:374)
    at com.sun.tools.javac.comp.Attr.visitSelect(Attr.java:1843)
    at com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree$JCFieldAccess.accept(JCTree.java:1648)
    at com.sun.tools.javac.comp.Attr.attribTree(Attr.java:374)
    at com.sun.tools.javac.comp.Attr.visitSelect(Attr.java:1843)
    at com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree$JCFieldAccess.accept(JCTree.java:1648)
    at com.sun.tools.javac.comp.Attr.attribTree(Attr.java:374)
    at com.sun.tools.javac.comp.Attr.visitSelect(Attr.java:1843)
    at com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree$JCFieldAccess.accept(JCTree.java:1648)
    at com.sun.tools.javac.comp.Attr.attribTree(Attr.java:374)
    at com.sun.tools.javac.comp.MemberEnter.visitImport(MemberEnter.java:543)
    at com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree$JCImport.accept(JCTree.java:504)
    at com.sun.tools.javac.comp.MemberEnter.memberEnter(MemberEnter.java:403)
    at com.sun.tools.javac.comp.MemberEnter.memberEnter(MemberEnter.java:415)
    at com.sun.tools.javac.comp.MemberEnter.visitTopLevel(MemberEnter.java:527)
    at com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree$JCCompilationUnit.accept(JCTree.java:451)
    at com.sun.tools.javac.comp.MemberEnter.memberEnter(MemberEnter.java:403)
    at com.sun.tools.javac.comp.MemberEnter.complete(MemberEnter.java:840)
    at com.sun.tools.javac.code.Symbol.complete(Symbol.java:404)
    at com.sun.tools.javac.code.Symbol$ClassSymbol.complete(Symbol.java:793)
    at com.sun.tools.javac.comp.Enter.complete(Enter.java:468)
    at com.sun.tools.javac.comp.Enter.main(Enter.java:446)
    at com.sun.tools.javac.main.JavaCompiler.enterTrees(JavaCompiler.java:867)
    at com.sun.tools.javac.main.JavaCompiler.compile(JavaCompiler.java:772)
    at com.sun.tools.javac.main.Main.compile(Main.java:393)
    at com.sun.tools.javac.api.JavacTaskImpl.call(JavacTaskImpl.java:138)
    at com.aionemu.commons.scripting.impl.javacompiler.ScriptCompilerImpl.doCompilation(ScriptCompilerImpl.java:193)
    at com.aionemu.commons.scripting.impl.javacompiler.ScriptCompilerImpl.compile(ScriptCompilerImpl.java:163)
    at com.aionemu.commons.scripting.impl.ScriptContextImpl.init(ScriptContextImpl.java:141)
    at com.aionemu.commons.scripting.scriptmanager.ScriptManager.load(ScriptManager.java:96)
    at com.aionemu.commons.database.dao.DAOManager.init(DAOManager.java:70)
    at com.aionemu.loginserver.LoginServer.main(LoginServer.java:127)
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Error while compiling classes
    at com.aionemu.commons.database.dao.DAOManager.init(DAOManager.java:73)
    at com.aionemu.loginserver.LoginServer.main(LoginServer.java:127)
    Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Error while compiling classes
    at com.aionemu.commons.scripting.impl.javacompiler.ScriptCompilerImpl.doCompilation(ScriptCompilerImpl.java:194)
    at com.aionemu.commons.scripting.impl.javacompiler.ScriptCompilerImpl.compile(ScriptCompilerImpl.java:163)
    at com.aionemu.commons.scripting.impl.ScriptContextImpl.init(ScriptContextImpl.java:141)
    at com.aionemu.commons.scripting.scriptmanager.ScriptManager.load(ScriptManager.java:96)
    at com.aionemu.commons.database.dao.DAOManager.init(DAOManager.java:70)
    ... 1 more

    Game Server

    Starting Aion-Core GameServer in PRODUCTION X2 mode.
    20:03:41.600 INFO [main]: - JavaAgent [Callback Support] is configured.
    =========================[ ===========CRON========== ]=========================
    20:03:41.663 INFO [main]: - Using default implementation for ThreadExecutor
    20:03:41.694 INFO [main]: - Initialized Scheduler Signaller of type: class org.quartz.core.SchedulerSignalerImpl
    20:03:41.694 INFO [main]: - Quartz Scheduler v.2.1.7 created.
    20:03:41.694 INFO [main]: - RAMJobStore initialized.
    20:03:41.694 INFO [main]: - Scheduler meta-data: Quartz Scheduler (v2.1.7) 'QuartzScheduler' with instanceId 'NON_CLUSTERED'
    Scheduler class: 'org.quartz.core.QuartzScheduler' - running locally.
    Currently in standby mode.
    Number of jobs executed: 0
    Using thread pool 'org.quartz.simpl.SimpleThreadPool' - with 1 threads.
    Using job-store 'org.quartz.simpl.RAMJobStore' - which does not support persistence. and is not clustered.

    20:03:41.694 INFO [main]: - Quartz scheduler 'QuartzScheduler' initialized from an externally provided properties instance.
    20:03:41.694 INFO [main]: - Quartz scheduler version: 2.1.7
    20:03:41.694 INFO [main]: - Scheduler QuartzScheduler_$_NON_CLUSTERED started.
    ========================[ ===========CONFIG========== ]========================
    20:03:41.694 INFO [main]: - Loading: mygs.properties
    20:03:41.694 INFO [main]: - No override properties found
    ===============================[ ADMINISTRATION ]===============================
    20:03:41.725 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/administration/admin.properties
    20:03:41.725 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/administration/developer.properties
    ====================================[ MAIN ]====================================
    20:03:41.741 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/agentfight.properties
    20:03:41.741 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/broker.properties
    20:03:41.741 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/returnscrolls.properties
    20:03:41.756 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/ai.properties
    20:03:41.756 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/autogroup.properties
    20:03:41.756 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/commons.properties
    20:03:41.756 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/cache.properties
    20:03:41.756 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/cleaning.properties
    20:03:41.756 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/craft.properties
    20:03:41.772 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/custom.properties
    20:03:41.772 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/drop.properties
    20:03:41.772 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/enchants.properties
    20:03:41.772 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/events.properties
    20:03:41.772 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/eventsystem.properties
    20:03:41.788 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/falldamage.properties
    20:03:41.803 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/fasttrack.properties
    20:03:41.803 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/gameserver.properties
    20:03:41.803 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/geodata.properties
    20:03:41.803 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/group.properties
    20:03:41.803 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/housing.properties
    20:03:41.803 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/html.properties
    20:03:41.819 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/ingameshop.properties
    20:03:41.819 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/legion.properties
    20:03:41.819 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/logging.properties
    20:03:41.834 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/membership.properties
    20:03:41.834 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/name.properties
    20:03:41.834 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/periodicsave.properties
    20:03:41.834 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/playertransfer.properties
    20:03:41.834 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/prices.properties
    20:03:41.834 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/punishment.properties
    20:03:41.834 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/ranking.properties
    20:03:41.850 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/rates.properties
    20:03:41.850 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/security.properties
    20:03:41.850 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/shutdown.properties
    20:03:41.850 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/siege.properties
    20:03:41.850 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/thread.properties
    20:03:41.850 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/weddings.properties
    20:03:41.850 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/wordfilter.properties
    20:03:41.850 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/main/world.properties
    ==================================[ NETWORK ]==================================
    20:03:41.850 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/network/database.properties
    20:03:41.866 INFO [main]: - Loading: ./config/network/network.properties
    ========================[ =========================== ]========================
    ========================[ ==========DATABASE========= ]========================
    20:03:42.319 INFO [main]: - Successfully connected to database
    An exception has occurred in the compiler (compiler message file broken: key=compiler.misc.version.resource.missing arguments=1.7.0_79, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6}, {7}). Please file a bug at the Java Developer Connection (Please login or register to view links) after checking the Bug Parade for duplicates. Include your program and the following diagnostic in your report. Thank you.
    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: File C:\AionServer- (╨б╨▒╨╛╤А╨║╨░ ╨╛╤В yayaya rev.8; ╨║╨╛╨╝╨┐╨╕╨╗)\YA-Game\libs\ac-commons-1.3.jar is not valid jar file
    at com.aionemu.commons.utils.ClassUtils.getClassNamesFromJarFile(ClassUtils.java:171)
    at com.aionemu.commons.scripting.ScriptClassLoader.addJarFile(ScriptClassLoader.java:107)
    at com.aionemu.commons.scripting.impl.javacompiler.ScriptClassLoaderImpl.getClassesForPackage(ScriptClassLoaderImpl.java:144)
    at com.aionemu.commons.scripting.impl.javacompiler.ClassFileManager.list(ClassFileManager.java:179)
    at com.sun.tools.javac.jvm.ClassReader.fillIn(ClassReader.java:2133)
    at com.sun.tools.javac.jvm.ClassReader.complete(ClassReader.java:1790)
    at com.sun.tools.javac.code.Symbol.complete(Symbol.java:404)
    at com.sun.tools.javac.code.Symbol$PackageSymbol.flags(Symbol.java:642)
    at com.sun.tools.javac.comp.Attr.checkId(Attr.java:2171)
    at com.sun.tools.javac.comp.Attr.visitIdent(Attr.java:1826)
    at com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree$JCIdent.accept(JCTree.java:1676)
    at com.sun.tools.javac.comp.Attr.attribTree(Attr.java:374)
    at com.sun.tools.javac.comp.Attr.visitSelect(Attr.java:1843)
    at com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree$JCFieldAccess.accept(JCTree.java:1648)
    at com.sun.tools.javac.comp.Attr.attribTree(Attr.java:374)
    at com.sun.tools.javac.comp.Attr.visitSelect(Attr.java:1843)
    at com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree$JCFieldAccess.accept(JCTree.java:1648)
    at com.sun.tools.javac.comp.Attr.attribTree(Attr.java:374)
    at com.sun.tools.javac.comp.Attr.visitSelect(Attr.java:1843)
    at com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree$JCFieldAccess.accept(JCTree.java:1648)
    at com.sun.tools.javac.comp.Attr.attribTree(Attr.java:374)
    at com.sun.tools.javac.comp.MemberEnter.visitImport(MemberEnter.java:543)
    at com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree$JCImport.accept(JCTree.java:504)
    at com.sun.tools.javac.comp.MemberEnter.memberEnter(MemberEnter.java:403)
    at com.sun.tools.javac.comp.MemberEnter.memberEnter(MemberEnter.java:415)
    at com.sun.tools.javac.comp.MemberEnter.visitTopLevel(MemberEnter.java:527)
    at com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree$JCCompilationUnit.accept(JCTree.java:451)
    at com.sun.tools.javac.comp.MemberEnter.memberEnter(MemberEnter.java:403)
    at com.sun.tools.javac.comp.MemberEnter.complete(MemberEnter.java:840)
    at com.sun.tools.javac.code.Symbol.complete(Symbol.java:404)
    at com.sun.tools.javac.code.Symbol$ClassSymbol.complete(Symbol.java:793)
    at com.sun.tools.javac.comp.Enter.complete(Enter.java:468)
    at com.sun.tools.javac.comp.Enter.main(Enter.java:446)
    at com.sun.tools.javac.main.JavaCompiler.enterTrees(JavaCompiler.java:867)
    at com.sun.tools.javac.main.JavaCompiler.compile(JavaCompiler.java:772)
    at com.sun.tools.javac.main.Main.compile(Main.java:393)
    at com.sun.tools.javac.api.JavacTaskImpl.call(JavacTaskImpl.java:138)
    at com.aionemu.commons.scripting.impl.javacompiler.ScriptCompilerImpl.doCompilation(ScriptCompilerImpl.java:193)
    at com.aionemu.commons.scripting.impl.javacompiler.ScriptCompilerImpl.compile(ScriptCompilerImpl.java:163)
    at com.aionemu.commons.scripting.impl.ScriptContextImpl.init(ScriptContextImpl.java:141)
    at com.aionemu.commons.scripting.scriptmanager.ScriptManager.load(ScriptManager.java:96)
    at com.aionemu.commons.database.dao.DAOManager.init(DAOManager.java:70)
    at com.aionemu.gameserver.GameServer.initUtilityServicesAndConfig(Unknown Source)
    at com.aionemu.gameserver.GameServer.main(Unknown Source)
    20:03:42.959 ERROR[main]: - Critical Error - Thread: main terminated abnormaly: java.lang.Error: Error while compiling classes
    java.lang.Error: Error while compiling classes
    at com.aionemu.commons.database.dao.DAOManager.init(DAOManager.java:73) ~[ac-commons-1.3.jar:na]
    at com.aionemu.gameserver.GameServer.initUtilityServicesAndConfig(Unknown Source) ~[AC-Game.jar:na]
    at com.aionemu.gameserver.GameServer.main(Unknown Source) ~[AC-Game.jar:na]
    Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Error while compiling classes
    at com.aionemu.commons.scripting.impl.javacompiler.ScriptCompilerImpl.doCompilation(ScriptCompilerImpl.java:194) ~[ac-commons-1.3.jar:na]
    at com.aionemu.commons.scripting.impl.javacompiler.ScriptCompilerImpl.compile(ScriptCompilerImpl.java:163) ~[ac-commons-1.3.jar:na]
    at com.aionemu.commons.scripting.impl.ScriptContextImpl.init(ScriptContextImpl.java:141) ~[ac-commons-1.3.jar:na]
    at com.aionemu.commons.scripting.scriptmanager.ScriptManager.load(ScriptManager.java:96) ~[ac-commons-1.3.jar:na]
    at com.aionemu.commons.database.dao.DAOManager.init(DAOManager.java:70) ~[ac-commons-1.3.jar:na]
    ... 2 common frames omitted

    сорян я нубас объясните пожалуйста где косяк.
    Последнее редактирование модератором: 24 ноя 2017
  10. Offline

    LoneFoxx Рядовой

    как минимум русские символы в пути
    Последние данные очков репутации:
    Егор Ещенко: 1 Очко 22 ноя 2017
  11. Offline

    LoneFoxx Рядовой

    ай нет, java 7 установи
  12. Offline

    Егор Ещенко Рядовой

    да помогло спасибо.
  13. Offline

    Егор Ещенко Рядовой

    Клиент за пустился(взял его с ммотор Aion classic 4.7) выдаёт неправильный логин или пароль. ХотЯ включена авторегистрация и навикат показывает что, как создан но в игру не пускает. Запускатор использовал свой( (батник)так как не понял каюсь, как его приконектить к клиенту).
    С чем могут быть проблемы? Или хотябы как лаунчер подключить к клиенту подскажите. Рад буду обоим вариантам)
  14. Offline

    Alenheym Старший сержант Команда форума Модератор

    Егор Ещенко не забывайте длинные сообщения ложить под спойлер.
  15. Offline

    Егор Ещенко Рядовой

    В чем была проблема разобрался)
    но вот как лаунчер приконектить пока не понял.
    Может подскажет кто ставил уже этот сервер?
  16. Offline

    Wesker Рядовой

    тебе нада другой логин сервер ! на Please login or register to view links
  17. Offline

    Егор Ещенко Рядовой

    А что с этим не так?
  18. Offline

    nokiafan1111 Ефрейтор

    лол Даврон xdd
  19. Offline

    nokiafan1111 Ефрейтор

    можете изменить логин сервера и использовать вход с батника.
    А так лаунчер надо настроить под свой сервер в конфигах самого лаунчера, ну там айпи порт и сс указать
  20. Offline

    V_Nick Ефрейтор

    У него нет авторегистрации.
    Я этому серваку подсунул логин-сервер от немцев с этой сборки - Please login or register to view links - все прекрасно работает. Авторегистрация без проблем. :)