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FAQ Aionserver (aioncore rev.903)

Тема в разделе "Гайды и руководство по серверам AION", создана пользователем Дмитрий, 12 июн 2016.

  1. TopicStarter Overlay

    Дмитрий Ефрейтор

    Please login or register to view links внутри довольно развернутый FAQ по установке и настройке сервера от производителя.

    Install Aion-Core on Ubuntu 14.10 lts 32/64bit
    Credits: blackjv

    First of all you will need to do :
    let's check what java version you have

    java -version
    output should look like this

    java version "1.7.0_75"
    OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea 2.5.4) (7u75-2.5.4-1~trusty1)
    OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.75-b04, mixed mode)

    if this is your output java is the good version
    otherwise you need to run this commands

    sudo apt-get install python-software-properties software-properties-common
    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install oracle-java7-installer 
    next we have to set openJDK 7 as default

    sudo update-alternatives --config java
    your next screen will be something like this :

     0			/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre/bin/java		  1074	  auto mode
      1			/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-oracle/jre/bin/java		  1072	  manual mode
    * 2			/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/java   1071	  manual mode
      3			/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle/jre/bin/java		  1073	  manual mode
      4			/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre/bin/java		  1074	  manual mode
    Press enter to keep the current choice[*], or type selection number:
    so you have to chose java-7-openjdk or amd64 if your ubuntu is 64 bit

    Next we move to setting up your database, phpadmin, and apache

    sudo apt-get install mysql-client mysql-server phpmyadmin apache a2enmod php5 libapache2-mod-auth-mysql php5-mysql unzip
    After installing this files if you need remote access to mysql

    sudo nano /etc/mysql/my.cnf
    And change the line

    bind-address = localhost
    into your ip address internal or external ip if you have a fixed ip

    bind-address = xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
    Next step is to setup your password for mysql

    mysql -u root
    now we will set the password for mysql

    mysql> SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@'localhost' = PASSWORD('NewPassword');
    Now we will create 2 databases for loginserver and gameserver i call them like this because i use multiple db's for different versions of emulators

    mysqladmin -u root -p create gameserver // db name you want
    mysqladmin -u root -p create loginserver // db name you want
    Now you are set to be able to setup your server !

    First of all we download the Aion Emu from the download section

    Next we will need to extract all the zip files

    unzip AC-Login*.zip
    unzip AC-Game*.zip
    unzip AC-Chat*.zip

    keep in mind that you have to see the file names that you have in your folder to extract
    after you extracted the files

    rm -rf *.zip
    first we go to AC-Chat folder
    assuming you extracted your files in the folder /home/YourUsername

    cd AC-Login
    chmod +x *
    mkdir log
    cd config/network

    I prefer to use nano is much easier to use for me
    then we open

    nano network.properties

    edit the following lines

    loginserver.network.client.host = your.ip.address
    loginserver.network.gameserver.host = your.ip.address
    loginserver.accounts.autocreate = false
    # or true if you dont want to make users signup on a website

    push ctrl +x and y and enter
    next we open database.properties

    nano database.properties
    and start editing your mysql database settings

    #  !!!! as you can see i changed after 3306/ into loginserver !!!!!
    database.url = jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/loginserver?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8
    # Database user
    database.user = root
    # Database password
    # NOTE: Change this! Root password is not safe!
    database.password = your password that you setted up

    again control+x y and enter
    Next we go to the gameserver files

    cd ..
    cd AC-Game
    chmod +x *
    mkdir log
    cd config/network

    now edit database.properties

    nano database.properties
    and change again
    # This is database url.
    database.url = jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/gameserver?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8
    # Database user
    database.user = root
    # Database password
    # NOTE: Change this! Root password is not safe!
    database.password = yourpassword!!!

    next we edit ipconfig.xml

    nano ipconfig.xml
    and change this line in to your ip address
    <ipconfig default="your.ip.address">
    save and exit

    now we move to edit network.properties

    # Host that will be used to listen for client connections
    gameserver.network.client.host = your.ip.address
    # Maximum online players on the server
    gameserver.network.client.maxplayers = 1000
    # Address of login server
    gameserver.network.login.address = your.ip:9014 #the one you have setted up in the loginserver network config
    # Id of this game server
    gameserver.network.login.gsid = 1
    # Password of this game server
    gameserver.network.login.password = aion

    now we will move to folder main

    cd ..
    cd main

    now we will edit the following lines

    # Custom name of the GS Developer Group (displayed in the connection credits)
    # The real server's name (Siel, Telemachus ...) is defined by the GSid
    # Default: Aion Lightning
    gameserver.name = Your aion server name
    # Name of your loginserver database
    # MySQL5AbyssRankDAO fix to exclude GM/Staff from Abyss Ranking list
    # Default: ac47_server_ls
    loginserver.database.name = loginserver # as you see here is the name of the database i have created

    # Enable connection with CS (ChatServer)
    # Default: false
    # I have chosen here to disable chat function because i don't really need it but you can change to true
    gameserver.chatserver.enable = false

    # Character creation mode (Numeric value between 0-2)
    # change here how you need
    # 0: (Default) User can only create characters inside 1 faction.
    # 1: User can create characters of both factions on the same account.
    # 2: (Character reservation mode) User is bound to 1 faction, can't create more than 2 characters and can't enter the game world.
    gameserver.character.creation.mode = 0

    Save and close
    As you can see i decided to not setup the chat server
    now using navicat or phpmyadmin connect to the mysql server and execute the .sql files according to they'r names remember AC_47_server_gs.sql would be gameserver db and AC_47_server_ls.sql is loginserver
    after importing this 2 files remember to check the updates folder

    now we will have go back to main directory and then we go in the ac-login server

    cd AC-login
    nano StartLS.sh
    and edit this line
    java -Xms8m -Xmx32m -ea -Xbootclasspath/p:./libs/jsr166.jar -cp ./libs/*:ac-login.jar com.aionemu.loginserver.LoginServer
    to this
    java -Xms8m -Xmx32m -ea -Xbootclasspath/p:./libs/jsr166-1.0.0.jar -cp ./libs/*:ac-login.jar com.aionemu.loginserver.LoginServer

    save and close
    now run the file

    sudo ./StartLS.sh
    your login server should work perfectly

    now we move to ac-game

    cd ..
    cd AC-Game

    we will edit StartGS.sh for example i gave min ram 512MB and max of 3GB

    nano StartGS.sh
    and we edit this line
    java -Xms128m -Xmx1536m -ea -javaagent:./libs/ac-commons-1.3.jar -cp ./libs/*:AL-Game.jar com.aionlightning.gameserver.GameServer
    it to this :
    java -XX:-UseSplitVerifier -Xms512m -Xmx3024m -ea -javaagent:./libs/ac-commons-1.3.jar -cp ./libs/*:ac-game.jar com.aionemu.screengameserver.GameServer

    save and close the file then run :

    at this point your server should be up and running

    If you still have troubles setting up your server please post here
    If this tutorial was helpful to you please use the like button

    it took me some time to write this Guide

    Credits go also to GiGaR00t for the-XX:-UseSplitVerifier variable in the sh script and to Drsaluml for python files and software-commons
    Update your Aion Server, by keeping your configs

    After you update your svn trunk (repository) you got the last updates committed by the developers.

    How to use always the new updates in your compiled server folders.
    It depends how do you wish to compile your source. You can use:
    • build_chatserver.bat
    • build_gameserver.bat
    • build_loginserver.bat
    • Dev_Build_ACL.bat
    The batch files are self explanatory, they will compile ACways a single server [Chat,Login or Game).
    Except the Dev_Build_ALL.bat which is able to compile single servers too but also ALL servers in a single job.
    That was how you can compile.

    Now, let's take a look how we manage the stuff that we have already compiled and it's run, with updates from the repository.
    Our target is to update our servers with fresh data but keep our old configs every time untouched, except that they got changed in the
    repository too.

    After compiling we have a single servers, for example;
    • \build\dist\AC-Chat, using build build_chatserver.bat
    • \build\dist\AC-Game, using build_gameserver.bat
    • \build\dist\AC-Login, using build_loginserver.bat
    or all this in a single job, using Dev_Build_ALL.bat (using 7 and then 5 choices)
    But this step is only once by the first install.

    1. After compiling all servers, we pick from each servers \build\dist\ what we need:
    • AC-Chat folder
    • AC-Game folder
    • AC-Login folder
    and copy it in another folder, example Aion-Server 4.7 NA
    We will have:

    Aion-Server 4.7 NA
    • AC-Chat
    • AC-Game
    • AC-Login
    1. As the Chatserver and Loginserver nearly never changed, we will exclude them in what follows.
      3. Update or replace the AC-Game with new compilations.

      - If you are experienced with the emulator, you can see what updates was made in the last committs to the repository.
      They can be only Datapack (Data folder), only Source changes (src) or both, Data and Source.
      - If only the Source was changed, you will need to compile your source again and take only the "AC-Game.jar" file and replace
      the old one from your compiled server. Usually in;

      Aion-Server 4.7 NA
    • AC-Game
    • \libs\
    - If the the Source + Datapack was changed, you will need all new compiled files.

    Anyway, our intention is now, only to keep our configs. Who the heck want to setup every time the new configs and lose all the
    preferences set up in them?

    As already said, we have our compiled server;

    Aion-Server 4.7 NA
    • AC-Chat
    • AC-Game
    • AC-Login
    1. Saving our configs:
      5. Zip the AC-Game folder (or AC-Chat, AC-Game,AC-Login) in the Aion-Server 4.6 EU directory, as Restore_Game_Configs.zip
      6. Now,that you have AC-Game folder ziped, you will need to open the Restore_Game_Configs.zip and delete all the folders do you don't
      wish to keep. Usually, all, except the configs and geo folder.

      Open the Restore_Game_Configs.zip and delete all, except;

    • config
    • geo
    1. Save the changes in the Restore_Game_Configs.zip and keep it in the root folder, Aion-Server 4.7 NA.
      8. Now you can always repeat the step 1 by full updates. Just delete your compiled AC-Game folder and replace it with the new compiled
      AC- Game folder.
      9.After you have replaced the old AC-Game folder with a new compiled AC-Game folder from the \build\dist\AC-Game folder, you need only the final step.
      10. Restore your old configs: - rightclick your Restore_Game_Configs.zip file, located in the root directory, Aion-Server 4.6 EU and choose, "Extract here."

      Now, you have restored by overwriting your configs and geo files.
      Repeat this steps always you need and don't forget to update your Restore_Game_Configs.zip, with your preferences changes if any.

      Have fun..


    А тут всё на официальном сайте собрано: Please login or register to view links
    Последнее редактирование модератором: 13 июн 2016
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    Alenheym Старший сержант Команда форума Модератор

    А смысл? Если там всё на английском, а русский народ, в большинстве своём, английский знает плохо и трансляторы ситуацию не спасают. На русский переведи, тогда может что-то изменится.
    Последнее редактирование: 13 июн 2016
  3. TopicStarter Overlay

    Дмитрий Ефрейтор

    Я, вообще-то, английский не знаю, но то, что там написано, интуитивно понимаю :) Там русские слова будут только мешать!

    Please login or register to view links - как я понимаю: это ты спойлер вставил. Там ещё 3 файла и они поинтересней.
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    Alenheym Старший сержант Команда форума Модератор

    Там картинки отдельно вставлять и коды подправлять, долго выходит. Может позже сделаю.