22:20:46.988 INFO [pool-3-thread-6]: - Gameserver #1 [PID=3624] died, closing. 22:20:46.997 WARN [pool-3-thread-6]: - class com.aionemu.loginserver.PingPongThr ead - execution time: 1155294msec 22:21:29.574 INFO [pool-3-thread-3]: - PlayerTransfer perform task init. 0 new t asks. 22:21:49.779 INFO [pool-6-thread-1]: - GameServer [ID:1] disconnected 22:21:49.780 INFO [AcceptReadWrite Dispatcher]: - Connection attemp from: 127.0. 0.1 ite Dispatcher]: - Connection a The server has such a prompt, and then the game displays maintenance. Is anyone willing to tell me what the problem is?