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Продаю Сборка сервера Essence: VANGUARD - PRIVAT / Java server emulator l2 essence chronicles vanguard

Тема в разделе "Разработка Essence", создана пользователем Matey, 28 апр 2022.

  1. TopicStarter Overlay

    Matey Младший сержант Команда форума Администратор

    Для Администраторов игровых серверов Lineage 2!

    Бесплатная "Free" версия - Обновление за 16.08.2022
    Сборка для скачивания доступна тут Please login or register to view links

    Платная "Paid" версия - Обновление за 20.09.2022
    Сборка для скачивания доступна тут Please login or register to view links

    Исходный код Essence: VANGUARD - PRIVAT

    Основа l2jserver+ l2jmobius + мои наработки.
    Для запуска используется JDK 17.

    Так же в комплекте выдаю функциональный Please login or register to view links адаптированный под данную сборку (+рабочие платежные системы: ENOT/FreeKassa/PrimePayments/Qiwi-p2p). Все настройки вы делаете самостоятельно, либо за символическую плату в 7000 рублей помогу ее установить и настроить.
    Работоспособность и функционал МА Please login or register to view links

    Стоимость "Исходного кода" - 30 000 рублей (МА + Геодата в Подарок + Помощь в запуске сборки(WIN 7-10, Linux) ).

    Техническая поддержка, обновления и консультации - 7 000 рублей в неделю.

    -Packet compatibility 362
    -Parsed item data from client
    -Proper Daily Mission rewards
    -Zone changes to match starting locations
    -Parsed recipes from client
    -Parsed skill names from client
    -Parsed NPC names from client
    -Temporary NPC info from retail files
    -Temporary spawns from retail files
    -Further manual spawn fixes
    -Skilltrees info from L2Wiki
    -Parsed NPC droplists from L2Wiki
    -Further manual NPC corrections from L2Wiki
    -Retail NPC dialogs
    -Retail NPC buylists
    -Basic Tutorial quest
    -Added 44 quest scripts
    -Village Master AI scripts
    -Fixed skill levels to match retail
    -Added new class mounts
    -Fisherman NPC updates
    -Fixed fishing to match retail
    -Added new fishing zone locations
    -Quest Fishing Specialist's Request
    -Olympiad NPC updates
    -Dimensional Merchant updates
    -Gatekeeper teleports
    -Admin menu teleport and shop cleanups
    -Blacksmith NPC updates
    -New Race Track arena zone
    -Giran Luxury Shop updates
    -Grandboss scripts and stats
    -Whisper of Dreams quests
    -Moon Knight quest
    -Item augmentation support
    -Retail Henna list
    -Floran Agricultural Area clan halls
    -Maille Lizardmen Barracks clan halls
    -Augmentation chances from L2Wiki
    -Working Runes system
    -Added new Savior skills
    -3rd class quests
    -Dungeon of Abyss
    -Attendance rewards
    -Various retail events
    -Olympiad shedule
    -Ruin area herb drops
    -Added raidbosses according to map
    -Giants Cave
    -Zaken boss AI
    -Newbie quest changes
    -Clan Arena
    -New Agathion item support
    -Updated skiltrees and skills from L2Wiki
    -Updated experience values from L2Wiki
    -Elemental Spirits
    -Elemental Spirit boss instances
    -Land of Winds spawns
    -Goddard territory spawns
    -Goddard clanhalls
    -Imperial tomb area spawns
    -Retail gatekeeper teleports
    -Equipment upgrade system
    -Kamael creation support
    -Teleport list system
    -Removed item grade penalty
    -New starting quests
    -Auto attack system
    -Auto potion system
    -Rank system
    -Death Knight creation support
    -Death knight starting area
    -Death knight quests
    -Player bonus stats system
    -LCoin shop system
    -Sayha's Grace system
    -Random Craft system
    -Magic Lamp system
    -Teleport favorites system
    -New pet system
    -Transcendent hunting zones
    -Sylph creation support
    -Collection system
    -Purge system
    -Pledge donation system
    -Hellbound spawns
    -Updated skill trees
    -Frost Lord castle
    -New henna pattern potential system
    -Vanguard creation support
    -New enchant system

    -Newbie Helper NPC location info
    -Newbie Helper buff support until 40 level
    -Test Server Helper NPCs
    -Fake players engine

    -System items_delayed
    -Event Collect Winning Combination
    -Event Eve The Fortune Teller
    -Event Letter Collector
    -Event KOTH
    -Event LastHero
    -Event CTF

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    Обновления идут по баг репортам клиентов, игроков в игре, дискорде и на форуме!

    For Administrators of Lineage 2 game servers!
    Building Essence Server: VANGUARD - PRIVAT
    This assembly is provided in a compiled state.
    If the assembly non-distribution agreement is not observed, the assembly at the client is completely blocked.
    The basis of the source l2jserver + l2jmobius + my experience.
    JDK 17 is used to run.
    Also in the kit I issue a functional personal account (MA) from scripts adapted for this assembly (+ working payment systems: ENOT/FreeKassa/PrimePayments/Qiwi-p2p). You do all the settings yourself, or for a nominal fee of 7,000 rubles I will help you install and configure it.
    We look at the performance and functionality of Please login or register to view links.
    "Source" cost - 500 USD (MA + Geodata as a Gift).
    Technical support and updates - 100 USD per week.
    We look at the implementation of the assembly on our own.
    Updates are based on bug reports from clients, players in the game, discord and on the forum!
    Последнее редактирование: 13 дек 2022
    ypalvsosal нравится это.